Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Food security and nutrition
Exploring the Potential for Technology-Based Nutrition Education among WIC Recipients in Remote Alaska Native Communities
Results of a study to estimate media technology use in Alaska Native communities, in order to inform the possibility of providing technology-based nutrition education. Features demographics and statistics showing frequency of media technology-based activities among the 368 questionnaire respondents.
Author(s): Julianne M. Power, Kathryn L. Braun, Andrea Bersamin
Citation: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(7 Supplement 2), S186-S191
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Results of a study to estimate media technology use in Alaska Native communities, in order to inform the possibility of providing technology-based nutrition education. Features demographics and statistics showing frequency of media technology-based activities among the 368 questionnaire respondents.
Author(s): Julianne M. Power, Kathryn L. Braun, Andrea Bersamin
Citation: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(7 Supplement 2), S186-S191
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Craving to Make a Difference in a Rural Community
Describes efforts to combat hunger and food insecurity in Ashe County, North Carolina through the Food Pantry Project, a food access screening program located within the local hospital.
Author(s): Melissa Lewis, Patty Parsons
Citation: North Carolina Medical Journal, 78(4), 259-260
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Describes efforts to combat hunger and food insecurity in Ashe County, North Carolina through the Food Pantry Project, a food access screening program located within the local hospital.
Author(s): Melissa Lewis, Patty Parsons
Citation: North Carolina Medical Journal, 78(4), 259-260
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Access to Healthful Foods In Rural Missouri
Provides a snapshot of the percent of people per county who do not have access to healthy food in Missouri in 2017. Includes information on farmers markets and small farms who sell fresh produce in each county.
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Provides a snapshot of the percent of people per county who do not have access to healthy food in Missouri in 2017. Includes information on farmers markets and small farms who sell fresh produce in each county.
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Employment, Poverty, and Public Assistance in the Rural United States
Compares economic and demographic characteristics of rural counties by county income level. Includes data on employment, race/ethnicity, and English-language proficiency. Also examines reliance on public sector supports: the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and children's health insurance.
Author(s): Rebecca Glauber, Andrew Schaefer
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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Compares economic and demographic characteristics of rural counties by county income level. Includes data on employment, race/ethnicity, and English-language proficiency. Also examines reliance on public sector supports: the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and children's health insurance.
Author(s): Rebecca Glauber, Andrew Schaefer
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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Community Benefit Programming to Improve Healthy Food Access and Reduce Risk of Diet-Related Disease: A National Survey of Hospitals
Details the results of a survey on hospital community benefit programming to increase access to healthy food in an attempt to reduce diet-related health conditions. Discusses the Community Health Needs Assessments for the communities the surveyed hospitals were serving. Also, looks at the various implementation strategies used for each program.
Date: 2017
Type: Presentation Slides
Sponsoring organization: Health Care Without Harm
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Details the results of a survey on hospital community benefit programming to increase access to healthy food in an attempt to reduce diet-related health conditions. Discusses the Community Health Needs Assessments for the communities the surveyed hospitals were serving. Also, looks at the various implementation strategies used for each program.
Date: 2017
Type: Presentation Slides
Sponsoring organization: Health Care Without Harm
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Saving the Last Grocery Store
Describes how a rural Colorado community re-opened its only grocery store as a co-op, after a severe blizzard that cut off the town for days made the need for a local store apparent to residents. Discusses the challenges facing rural grocery stores.
Author(s): Lorraine Armstrong
Citation: Rural Cooperatives, 84(3), 12-15
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Rural Development
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Describes how a rural Colorado community re-opened its only grocery store as a co-op, after a severe blizzard that cut off the town for days made the need for a local store apparent to residents. Discusses the challenges facing rural grocery stores.
Author(s): Lorraine Armstrong
Citation: Rural Cooperatives, 84(3), 12-15
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Rural Development
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Farmers' Market Challenges in a Rural Setting: A Case Study of the Elaney Wood Heritage Farmers Market
Highlights challenges experienced by a farmers market in Snow Hill, North Carolina. Describes efforts to build both a customer base and a vendor base.
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Advancement Foundation International
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Highlights challenges experienced by a farmers market in Snow Hill, North Carolina. Describes efforts to build both a customer base and a vendor base.
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Advancement Foundation International
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Tribal Nursing Home Best Practices: Traditional Foods
Presents a guide for tribal nursing homes to develop a traditional food menu for elderly American Indians and Alaska Natives. Discusses the health benefits of traditional foods and the methods for involving elders and the community in the planning and implementing of traditional food menus. Features organizations, case studies, and webinars, among other resources.
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Presents a guide for tribal nursing homes to develop a traditional food menu for elderly American Indians and Alaska Natives. Discusses the health benefits of traditional foods and the methods for involving elders and the community in the planning and implementing of traditional food menus. Features organizations, case studies, and webinars, among other resources.
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Adaptation in Arctic Circumpolar Communities: Food and Water Security in a Changing Climate
Discusses the effects of climate change on food and water security in rural communities. Covers strategies to adapt to a changing climate from Alaska Native populations.
Author(s): James Berner, Michael Brubaker, Boris Revitch, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 75(1)
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
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Discusses the effects of climate change on food and water security in rural communities. Covers strategies to adapt to a changing climate from Alaska Native populations.
Author(s): James Berner, Michael Brubaker, Boris Revitch, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 75(1)
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
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Nutrition Standards for Food Service Guidelines for Foods Served or Sold in Municipal Government Buildings or Worksites, United States, 2014
Analyzes data from a national survey of 1,945 government agencies regarding presence of written nutrition standards, food groups or nutrients included, and populations served by the facilities where standards were used. Features statistics with breakdowns by municipal characteristics including population size, rural or urban status, census region, poverty prevalence, educational attainment, and race or ethnicity.
Author(s): Stephen J. Onufrak, Hatidza Zaganjor, Latetia V Moore, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 13
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
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Analyzes data from a national survey of 1,945 government agencies regarding presence of written nutrition standards, food groups or nutrients included, and populations served by the facilities where standards were used. Features statistics with breakdowns by municipal characteristics including population size, rural or urban status, census region, poverty prevalence, educational attainment, and race or ethnicity.
Author(s): Stephen J. Onufrak, Hatidza Zaganjor, Latetia V Moore, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 13
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
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