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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Funding by Sponsor: National Rural Transit Assistance Program

Summaries of funding programs are provided by RHIhub for your convenience. Please contact the funder directly for the most complete and current information.

State Rural Transit Assistance Programs (RTAP)
Federally funded state programs that provide training and technical assistance to improve mobility for Americans living in communities with populations less than 50,000. State RTAP funds are often used to provide training for rural and tribal transit agency personnel and to fund scholarships to attend transit-related conferences and training.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, National Rural Transit Assistance Program
Tribal Transit Scholarships
Assistance for eligible tribal transit system employees that would like to attend a National Rural Transit Assistance Program sponsored training, professional development program, or educational conference.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, National Rural Transit Assistance Program
Tribal Transit Awards Inactive
Awards to honor innovation, efficiency, commitment, and performance in the tribal transit industry.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Oct 20, 2023
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, National Rural Transit Assistance Program