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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Funding by Sponsor: Federal Transit Administration

Summaries of funding programs are provided by RHIhub for your convenience. Please contact the funder directly for the most complete and current information.

State Rural Transit Assistance Programs (RTAP)
Federally funded state programs that provide training and technical assistance to improve mobility for Americans living in communities with populations less than 50,000. State RTAP funds are often used to provide training for rural and tribal transit agency personnel and to fund scholarships to attend transit-related conferences and training.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, National Rural Transit Assistance Program
Tribal Transit Scholarships
Assistance for eligible tribal transit system employees that would like to attend a National Rural Transit Assistance Program sponsored training, professional development program, or educational conference.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, National Rural Transit Assistance Program
Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program: Tribal Transit Program Inactive
Funding to support planning, capital, and operating assistance for tribal public transit services. Among other things, this funding supports partnerships working to expand access to health, medical, and social service providers.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Nov 13, 2024
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Bus and Bus Facilities Infrastructure Program Inactive
Grants to assist in the financing of buses and bus facilities capital projects, including replacing, rehabilitating, purchasing, or leasing buses or related equipment, and rehabilitating, purchasing, constructing, or leasing bus-related facilities. A minimum of 15% of the total program funding will be awarded to projects located in rural areas.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Apr 25, 2024
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Community Mobility Ready-to-Launch Grants Inactive
Grants and technical assistance to support communities that are ready to take concrete steps toward implementing transportation solutions to help underserved residents become more fully engaged in economic opportunities, improve their health and well-being, and/or become more integrated into their community.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Nov 17, 2023
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, National Center for Mobility Management
Tribal Transit Awards Inactive
Awards to honor innovation, efficiency, commitment, and performance in the tribal transit industry.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Oct 20, 2023
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, National Rural Transit Assistance Program
Community Mobility Design Challenge Grants Inactive
Grants to support planning activities for communities seeking innovative ways to address the particular mobility challenges experienced by low-income community members for whom a lack of transportation is an obstacle to the pursuit of economic, health, and social well-being.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Aug 4, 2023
Sponsors: Community Transportation Association of America, Federal Transit Administration, National Center for Mobility Management
Areas of Persistent Poverty Program Inactive
Funding for planning, engineering, or the development of technical or financing plans for transportation projects to assist areas of persistent poverty and historically disadvantaged communities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Mar 10, 2023
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Helping Obtain Prosperity for Everyone Program Inactive
Funding for planning, engineering, or development of technical or financing plans to improve transit services in rural areas and areas experiencing long-term economic distress. The program is intended to reduce fatality rates on rural transportation infrastructure and increase access to jobs and healthcare through enhanced transit options and improved facilities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: May 4, 2020
Sponsors: Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation