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Rural Health Information Hub

Evaluation Considerations

Evaluation strategies should be identified during the program planning phase. Developing an evaluation plan can help to clarify and guide the implementation of an evaluation approach. Important considerations include research questions, evaluation measures, evaluation design, and data collection strategies. Other considerations in developing health promotion and disease prevention evaluations include:

  • Engaging community partners: Community partners can support data collection efforts by ensuring credible information is collected that logically corresponds with program expectations, reflects the practices and realities of the people served by the program, and can be organized to showcase the lessons learned.
  • Defining evaluation goals and objectives: The goal of the evaluation may be to provide insight into program processes, effectiveness, outcomes, and/or impact. By defining evaluation goals and objectives, organizations can identify how program elements interact, the practices that maximize program effectiveness, the value of those effects, and how the program promotes health and prevents disease among participants.
  • Connecting program goals and objectives to outcomes: Organizations should define the goals and objectives of their health promotion/disease prevention program and connect them to measurable indicators and outcomes. Objectives should address program activities, the intended audience, the extent of the change, and the timeline (short-term and long-term).
  • Available resources: Organizations should implement an evaluation strategy that reflects the program's budget, timeline, and other available resources.

Resources to Learn More

Developing an Effective Evaluation Plan: Setting the Course for Effective Evaluation
Offers guidance to program managers, administrators, and evaluators on a range of evaluation topics, with a focus on the process of developing an evaluation plan.
Organization(s): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Date: 2011

Program Evaluation Resource List
Collection of evaluation resources relevant to rural health facilities and organizations.
Organization(s): National Rural Health Resource Center, Technical Assistance and Services Center (TASC)
Date: 2014

The Step-By-Step Guide to Evaluation: How to Become Savvy Evaluation Consumers
Provides a comprehensive framework for developing an evaluation process to inform and track progress of programs. Covers evaluation types and methodologies, identifying stakeholders, community engagement and racial equity, logic model development, data collection and analysis, and summarizing and communicating findings.
Organization(s): W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Date: 2017