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Rural Health Information Hub

Implementation Considerations for Advancing Health Equity among Rural Veterans

Veterans living in rural areas face similar challenges as the rural population in general: geographic and transportation barriers; limited broadband internet; shortages of healthcare providers; hospital closures; and fewer options for housing, education, and employment. These challenges may negatively impact rural veterans' health and well-being.

The Office of Health Equity within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs created a Health Equity Action Plan to guide the office's work. The plan describes the importance of supporting and providing resources to address the inequities and needs of rural veterans. The plan includes information about recent achievements related to health equity, including enhancing telehealth programs for rural veterans to increase access to quality care.

Resources to Learn More

Rural Veteran Health Background
Collection of resources related to rural veteran health, including newsletters, videos, fact sheets, and a library of promising practices.
Organization(s): U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Rural Health

Thrive 2021: Office of Rural Health Annual Report
Overview of ORH's annual activities addressing rural veteran health, including pandemic response, telehealth, and unique rural veteran populations.
Organization(s): U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Rural Health
Date: 2021

Veterans in Rural America: 2011–2015
Analysis of U.S. Census data for the period 2011-2015 comparing rural and urban veterans' status, including health insurance coverage, household income, poverty, and disability status.
Author(s): Holder, K. A.
Organization(s): U.S. Census Bureau
Date: 1/2017