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Rural Health Information Hub

Audiences for Dissemination

Early childhood health promotion programs are complex, so there are typically many partners and sectors that may be interested in program results. Program directors should tailor dissemination efforts so they are appropriate for the audience, and the findings that are shared should reflect the culture of the community in which the initiative was implemented. For example, funders may be interested in whether the program activities were implemented as planned, while clinicians and educators may be most interested in health outcomes in the community.

Key audiences for disseminating information on rural childhood health promotion programs include:

  • Pediatric and general medicine practices
  • Hospitals and healthcare centers
  • State and local health departments
  • Local faith-based organizations, including faith-based preschools
  • Local early childcare educators
  • Local school board
  • Local and state childcare licensing agencies
  • Community members and the general public
  • The National Child Care Association and state affiliates
  • Local United Way
  • Funders of rural childhood health promotion programs
  • Local and state policymakers

Whoever the audience, it is important to be conscious of cultural differences and the language used when sharing disparities between community groups. This is particularly important when disparities cross lines of language, culture, or generation and include sensitive topics.

Members of each community should determine the best method of communicating disparities to their group. Identifying a champion from the community is important when trying to empower and mobilize community change and emphasizing collective efficacy and assets. Evidence supports engaging community health workers and/or peer educators to bridge the gap between data and community.

Resources to Learn More

Disseminating Your Findings
An overview of the strategies and methods for the dissemination of research findings. Discusses factors for consideration when distributing information, such as cost, time constraints, readability, and audience.
Organization(s): Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching

Dissemination of Rural Health Research: A Toolkit
Highlights the various dissemination products one can develop to share research information and the appropriateness of each product according to topic and audience. Details the development, design, and anticipated impact for each mode of dissemination.
Author(s): Schroeder, S., & Bauman, S.
Organization(s): Rural Health Research Gateway
Date: 8/2019