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Rural Health Information Hub

La Leche League

  • Project Title: La Leche League of Colorado and Wyoming
  • Program Representative Interviewed: Amanda Joy, Community La Leche League Leader
  • Location: Campbell County, Wyoming
  • Program Overview: The La Leche League in Campbell County is just one example of the continuous support La Leche League provides to women. The resources go beyond education and allow women to build small communities and relationships around the common interest of mothering their babies through breastfeeding. Because breastfeeding can be such an individual experience, support within the community empowers mothers as individuals and supports them every step of the way. Once a month, the community leader hosts a meeting where women can come and ask questions and support each other. The Campbell County La Leche League partners with Campbell County Health and the Wyoming Department of Health WIC program to offer these services regularly. Members of the community can attend the monthly meetings at no cost.

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