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Rural Health Information Hub

Vermont Resources

Patient Centered Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Vermont: A Qualitative Study
Examines patient perspectives on medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) treatment in rural Vermont, utilizing interview data from 15 people who received care at Vermont Hub and Spoke clinics. Highlights patient perspectives on aspects of patient-centered care, and their influences on retention and engagement with treatment.
Author(s): Emily G. Hichborn, Owen B. Murray, Eilis I. Murphy, et al.
Citation: Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 20, 3
Date: 01/2025
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FY 2024: HRSA's Rural Health Grants – Vermont Fact Sheet
HRSA Federal Office of Rural Health Policy investments in Vermont in Fiscal Year 2024. Lists grant recipients, award amounts, award recipient locations, and congressional district.
Date: 11/2024
Sponsoring organization: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
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A Qualitative Study of Rural Plant-Based Eaters' Knowledge and Practices for Nutritional Adequacy
Examines nutritional knowledge, strategies, and access to nutritional expertise among 28 adults who follow a flexitarian, pescatarian, vegan, or vegetarian diet in rural Vermont. Discusses factors influencing the nutritional adequacy of plant-based diets, and identifies gaps in nutritional support for rural people following plant-based diets.
Author(s): Michelle Leonetti, Jane Kolodinsky, Amy Trubek, Emily H. Belarmino
Citation: Nutrients, 16(20), 3504
Date: 10/2024
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Selected Rural Healthcare Facilities in Vermont
Shows the state's Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Rural Emergency Hospitals (REHs), and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), as well as Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) sites and short term/PPS (Prospective Payment System) hospitals located in rural areas.
Date: 10/2024
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Vermont Annual Suicide Morbidity and Mortality Report
Presents an overview of suicide mortality and morbidity in Vermont, exploring trends, risk factors, and the burden of suicide on healthcare systems and communities. Features statistics with breakdowns by urban and rural areas.
Date: 08/2024
Sponsoring organization: Vermont Department of Health
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Rural Community Health Worker Programs: Proving Value and Finding Sustainability
Features four rural healthcare organizations describing the impact of their community health worker (CHW) programs and strategies for sustaining them. Discusses CHW roles, activities, reimbursement options, and more.
Author(s): Kay Miller Temple
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 07/2024
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Experiences Participating in Federal Nutrition Assistance Programs During the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Investigation in Vermont
Analyzes participant experiences with federal nutrition assistance programs during the COVID-19 period of July 2020 to September 2020 in Vermont. Utilizes qualitative and quantitative feedback to analyze program participation, food insecurity, perceived stress, and fruit and vegetable intake. Discusses rurality as a factor in food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Author(s): Emma H. Spence, Meredith T. Niles, Farryl Bertmann, Emily H. Belarmino
Citation: Nutrition Journal, 23, 74
Date: 07/2024
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Evaluation of the Vermont All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model: 2018-2022 - Fourth Evaluation Report
Evaluates the first five performance years of the Vermont All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model (VTAPM), which aims to assess whether scaling an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) across all payers in the state can reduce program expenditures while preserving or improving care quality. Discusses the implementation of the model, provider engagement, efforts to address population health goals; characteristics of participating hospitals, practitioners, and beneficiaries; and the model's impacts on Medicare spending, utilization, and quality of care. Includes analyses of Medicare ACO subgroups and Medicaid spending, utilization, and quality of care trends. Outlines challenges and lessons learned.
Additional links: Findings at a Glance, Technical Appendices
Date: 06/2024
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, NORC at the University of Chicago
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Fatal Overdoses Among Vermont Residents
Offers data on overdose deaths in Vermont through 2023 including drug types, manner of death, trends over time, demographic characteristics, and policy measures. Includes county-level data in Appendix 1 and 2.
Date: 04/2024
Sponsoring organization: Vermont Department of Health
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Vermont Cancer Data Pages
Includes chapters on cancer risk factors and prevention, incidence, screening, mortality, and survivorship, among 5 populations of Vermonters, including rural people. Features statistics with breakdowns by urban and rural areas.
Date: 03/2024
Sponsoring organization: Vermont Department of Health
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Additional resources are available. See a full list of Vermont Resources.

Last Updated: 1/14/2025