Nevada Models and Innovations
These stories feature model programs and successful rural projects that can serve as a source of ideas. Some of the projects or programs may no longer be active. Read about the criteria and evidence-base for programs included.
Other Project Examples
Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey Counties (HCC)
Updated/reviewed January 2025
- Need: To increase access to healthy foods in two rural Nevada counties.
- Intervention: HCC and the Rural Health and Nutrition Initiative (RHNI) run food pantries, assist with community and school gardens, and have a farmers market during the summer.
- Results: The three food pantries together serve about 3,600 people and distribute over 100,000 pounds of food each month.
Rural Nevada EMS Conference
Updated/reviewed January 2025
- Need: To provide rural Nevada EMS personnel an opportunity to receive quality training and current EMS information from national EMS educators.
- Intervention: The Rural Nevada EMS Conference offers continuing education units and engaging sessions for EMS personnel.
- Results: In 2024, 185 individuals attended the conference in-person.
Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly Winnemucca
Updated/reviewed August 2024
- Need: To educate rural community members about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and to support older adults in need.
- Intervention: A community group formed in Winnemucca, Nevada, to discuss topics like health, housing, social events, community improvement, education, and transportation for older adults. The group also provides outreach to older adults, caregiver support, and a variety of educational activities and events.
- Results: The group's efforts have led to many changes for community welfare and safety as well as opportunities for education and activities.
Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center-Nevada

Updated/reviewed February 2024
- Need: To improve and increase prevention and care services for HIV, STDs, hepatitis C, and other infectious diseases.
- Intervention: PAETC-NV provides clinical and didactic trainings, conferences, technical assistance, capacity building, webinars, and other services to providers and healthcare organizations statewide.
- Results: In 2023, PAETC-NV trained more than 1,600 healthcare providers across Nevada to increase clinical capacity in the care, screening, and prevention of HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases, and hepatitis C.
Last Updated: 1/17/2025