Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly Winnemucca
- Need: To educate rural community members about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and to support older adults in need.
- Intervention: A community group formed in Winnemucca, Nevada, to discuss topics like health, housing, social events, community improvement, education, and transportation for older adults. The group also provides outreach to older adults, caregiver support, and a variety of educational activities and events.
- Results: The group's efforts have led to many changes for community welfare and safety as well as opportunities for education and activities.
In 2015, residents of the rural
community of Winnemucca, Nevada, held a meeting about
people with dementia and driving, especially the
importance of offering transportation options for those
individuals instead of just taking away their driver's
license. This discussion led to the development of
and Dementia-Friendly of Winnemucca (ADF-Winnemucca),
which holds monthly meetings focused on identifying and
supporting the needs of older adults in the community.
This project is part of the statewide initiative Dementia Friendly Nevada and the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities. In addition, it received an Independent Living Grant from the State of Nevada Department of Health & Human Services and won 2018 and 2021 AARP Community Challenge grants.
Services offered
Every month, volunteers meet to discuss action plans for aging-related issues like:
- Caregiver support
- Housing that's safe, affordable, and designed for residents of any age
- Local and statewide health services
- Opportunities for volunteering and community involvement
- Social events that include people of all ages
- Transportation options
ADF-Winnemucca also organizes a variety of events and educational opportunities, including:
- Monthly meetings where the public can learn more about dementia
- Twice-monthly support group for those with dementia or their caregivers/loved ones
- Brain Health Conference, a community awareness and resource opportunity
- Active participation in the Dementia Friendly Nevada Summit
- Fundraising activities to encourage community engagement
- Free movie night at the local theater with themes like aging and caring for one another
- R.E.S.T. (Respite Education and Support Tools) training and respite retreats for caregivers
- Dementia Self-Management sessions and Powerful Tools for Caregivers presentations
- Recreational activities like the Turkey Trot, a Sprint Triathlon, and participation in the Alzheimer's Association's Longest Day Golf Scramble
- Regular publication of articles in the local newspaper and a local magazine to keep the public educated and informed of events
During the COVID-19 pandemic, ADF-Winnemucca delivered tablets with an online conferencing platform so residents could order groceries, access telehealth, and video-call with loved ones. All ADF-Winnemucca meetings are offered live and via videoconferencing.
ADF-Winnemucca's efforts have led to the following results:
- A flipchart for residents of health information and other support services in the state
- Concierge services: helping seniors leave the house and get on and off the bus
- Wider parking spaces for the senior bus
- More outdoor seating, like benches along main walkways
- Education for shopkeepers and restaurant service staff
- Education for seniors about documents like wills and power of attorney forms
- Valet parking at the senior center
- Increased engagement opportunities for all community members on Alzheimer's, dementia, brain health, caregiving, and beyond
- Presentations on AARP's website and meetings
Funding is always a challenge. The project also works to erase stigma associated with aging and dementia.
The initial town hall meeting included a wide variety of stakeholders, including the mayor, district attorney, court judge, city council, hospital administration, a family member of someone with dementia, and other concerned community members. Many of these individuals continue to work with the project.
The Dementia Friendly Nevada initiative offers numerous educational resources and a directory of Nevada services.
Contact Information
Gini Cunningham, FacilitatorWinnemucca Alzheimer's Support Group
Aging and aging-related services
Community and faith-based initiatives
Elderly population
Home and community-based services
States served
Date added
August 7, 2019
Date updated or reviewed
August 19, 2024
Suggested citation: Rural Health Information Hub, 2024. Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly Winnemucca [online]. Rural Health Information Hub. Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2025]
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