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Rural Health Information Hub

Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center-Nevada

  • Need: To improve and increase prevention and care services for HIV, STDs, hepatitis C, and other infectious diseases.
  • Intervention: PAETC-NV provides clinical and didactic trainings, conferences, technical assistance, capacity building, webinars, and other services to providers and healthcare organizations statewide.
  • Results: In 2023, PAETC-NV trained more than 1,600 healthcare providers across Nevada to increase clinical capacity in the care, screening, and prevention of HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases, and hepatitis C.


The HIV epidemic in Nevada is predominantly located in urban areas of the state. However, due to the national opioid crisis, rural areas are becoming of greater concern for potential HIV outbreaks. For example, according to the Nevada Rural and Frontier Health Data Book – Tenth Edition, the counties outside of urban Clark and Washoe counties reported an increase of new HIV cases and an increase in total cases of HIV/AIDS from 2014 to 2018.

The Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center-Nevada (PAETC-NV) provides education to health professionals and connects them with HIV specialists so that these providers can collaborate in the diagnosis and prevention of new cases of HIV, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), hepatitis C, and other infectious diseases, and improve the care for those currently living with these conditions.

NAETC logo

PAETC-NV is a local statewide partner of the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center, which is part of the national AIDS Education and Training Center program (AETC). PAETC-NV is located in the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine's Office of Statewide Initiatives, and the national AETC program is funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.

PAETC logo and UNR logo

Services offered

PAETC-NV provides:

  • Capacity-building guidance
  • Clinical preceptorships with HIV specialists
  • Conferences
  • Ongoing support for those working with HIV patients
  • Technical assistance
  • Training programs covering various topics
  • Webinars

These educational opportunities are available for:

  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Physician assistants
  • Dentists
  • Pharmacists
  • Social workers
  • Other health professionals

Attendees can earn continuing medical education or nursing continuing education credits through most of the programs.


In 2023, the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center-Nevada trained more than 1,600 healthcare providers across Nevada to increase clinical capacity in the care, screening, and prevention of HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases, and hepatitis C.

These trainings range from one-hour sessions to two-day conferences and included a five-year practice transformation project with an HIV clinic in Las Vegas, focused on improving retention in care rates for people with HIV.

In 2020, PAETC-NV completed a statewide HIV needs assessment and drafted the plan for the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative in Nevada.


There are always barriers like stigma in implementing programs around sensitive topics like HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, and sexually transmitted diseases. PAETC-NV believes that the more people talk and learn about these issues, the easier it is for people to discuss and address them.


PAETC-NV frequently works with partners such as administrators, clinicians, and professional associations to provide trainings for various healthcare provider groups. The AETC program is nationwide, and providers in all states have access to their local site.

Chronic disease management
Health screening
Health workforce education and training
Infectious diseases
Sexual and reproductive health

States served

Date added
January 15, 2020

Date updated or reviewed
February 23, 2024

Suggested citation: Rural Health Information Hub, 2024. Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center-Nevada [online]. Rural Health Information Hub. Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2025]

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