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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: community health workers

817 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 1 - 10:

1. Community Health Workers in Rural Settings Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Jul 24, 2023

Guide outlines the roles of community health workers (CHWs) in rural areas. Features frequently asked questions about CHW's duties, certification, and education, among other topics.

...Community Health Workers and CHW Program Models from the Community Health Worker Toolkit . Also, The Community...

2. Community Health Worker Curriculums - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Information on developing a training curriculum for community health workers that will meet the needs of your community. health workers that will meet the needs of your community. --- View more Community Health...

3. Community Health Workers in Rural Communities - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Learn about the many titles community health workers may have, services they provide, and settings where they work in rural communities. Schools Workplaces Faith- and community-based organizations Healthcare systems Community health centers/Federally Qualified Health Centers Other healthcare settings State, local, tribal, and territorial governmental public health agencies Resources to Learn More Community Health Worker...

4. Rural Community Health Worker Programs: Proving Value and Finding Sustainability - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jul 24, 2024

For decades, community health workers (CHWs) provided their services outside usual healthcare reimbursement models. In recent years, with research supporting CHWs as professionals effectively assisting patients with navigating health-related social determinants, federal and private payers are exploring reimbursement mechanisms. Four rural healthcare organizations share both the impact and the continued sustainability challenges — and successes — of their CHW programs. - The Rural Monitor screenings and topic-specific health education Outreach and enrollment specialist Provides information for needed resources and program enrollment assistance Community organizer/capacity builder Provides community coordination for designated issues Source: Community Health Workers...

5. Module 4: Implementation of Community Health Worker Programs - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Information on how to implement a community health worker program.

...Community Health Workers Training for Community Health Workers State Certification Programs Community Health Worker Curriculums...

6. Community Health Worker and Community Paramedic Models for Chronic Disease Management - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Jun 14, 2024

Learn more about programs using community health workers and community paramedics to manage chronic disease in rural communities. or health inequities. For more information on how rural communities can use CHWs to improve health outcomes for chronic diseases, see the Community Health Workers...

7. Sustainability Strategies - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Learn how to sustainability strategies for rural community health worker programs.

...Community Health Workers Toolkit --- Learn how to sustainability strategies for rural community health worker programs...

8. Module 5: Evaluation of Community Health Worker Programs - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Provides information on the importance of program evaluation and tips to consider when evaluating community health worker programs.

...Community Health Worker Programs - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit --- Provides information on the importance of program...

9. Texas Promotor(a) or Community Health Worker Training and Certification Program: 2023 Annual Report - Resources
Date: 2024

Describes the Promotora or Community Health Worker (CHW) Training and Certification Program in Texas, including the number of certified community health workers, instructors, certificate graduates, and renewals. Includes the number of certified community health workers by county and the location of CHW training programs in the state. health workers, instructors, certificate graduates, and renewals. Includes the number of certified community health...

10. The Use of Community Health Workers in Community Health Centers - Resources
Date: Oct 2021

Examines changes in the community health workers (CHWs) workforce among community health centers (CHCs) from 2016-2018 and factors associated with the use of CHWs. Features statistics on characteristics of CHCs in the study and factors associated with use of CHWs in CHCs, with breakdowns by rural location.

...Community Health Workers in Community Health Centers --- Examines changes in the community health workers (CHWs...