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Website Search Results for: community health workers

817 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 141 - 150:

141. HEROs in Rural Health: Q&A with Art Kaufman - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jan 10, 2018

Dr. Art Kaufman discusses the Health Extension Rural Offices (HEROs) model, how he is helping promote the use of community health workers, and his work with the University of New Mexico's World Health Organization Collaborating Center. - The Rural Monitor

...Health. Today, public health is becoming a stronger ally as we both struggle to address health inequities in our state. How are community health workers...

142. Kodiak Island Health Care Foundation - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Kodiak Island Health Care Foundation is using registered nurses to provide a whole range of services to the people on Kodiak Island.

...Health Care Foundation - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit --- Kodiak Island Health Care Foundation is using...

143. Finding Innovation and Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Rural Health Organizations Are Adapting Their Program Strategies - Resources
Date: May 2020

Summarizes a series of virtual peer learning sessions in response to COVID-19 for current Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program, Rural Health Network Development, Small Healthcare Provider Quality Improvement, and Delta States Rural Development Network program grantees. Provides an overview of common themes that emerged from the sessions. Discusses the challenges and innovations made to implement rural health and public programs across six areas: community health workers, data collection and evaluation, virtual trainings, peer support services and recovery supports, telehealth utilization, and schools. and public programs across six areas: community health workers, data collection and evaluation, virtual...

144. Family Health Centers - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Family Health Centers use promotoras to provide education, information, and referrals to migrant and seasonal farmworkers.

...Health Centers - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit --- Family Health Centers use promotoras to provide education...

145. Clemson University - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Clemson University is using health coaches to guide patients in developing individualized action plans for self-management.

...Community Health Workers Toolkit --- Clemson University is using health coaches to guide patients in developing...

146. Module 6: Funding and Sustainability for Rural Community Health Work Programs - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Learn about the critical issues linked to funding and sustainability of community health worker programs.

...Community Health Work Programs - RHIhub Toolkit --- Learn about the critical issues linked to funding and sustainability of community health worker...

147. CommHIT Shoots for the Moon - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Feb 21, 2024

CommHIT, a nonprofit based at the Kennedy Space Center, has worked at the intersection of rural health and technology for over a decade. Now, as an awardee of the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) Rural Public Health Workforce Training Network (RPHWTN) grant program, the organization is assisting Florida partners with workforce development initiatives and technology-related training programs. - The Rural Monitor organizations address workforce shortages, and bolster digital literacy and security by focusing on the development of health technology, community paramedicine, and community health workers...

148. Bridging The Home-Based Primary Care Gap In Rural Areas - Resources
Date: Feb 2024

Discusses challenges with offering home-based primary care (HBPC) in rural communities for older adults and people with disabilities, notably workforce shortages, insufficient infrastructure, and funding. Offers HBPC redesign suggestions with these challenges in mind, discussing community health workers, technology and telehealth, leveraging community resources and partnerships, training, scope of practice laws, payment models, and infrastructure investments.

...Community health workers · Funding · Health workforce education and training · Health workforce supply and demand · Home...

149. COVID-19 Stakeholder Experiences in the Commonwealth of Kentucky - 2022 - Resources
Date: Nov 2022

Results of surveys taken from October-December 2021 by 145 Kentucky school leaders, community health workers and their clients, rural community members, and healthcare providers. Includes statistics on satisfaction with telehealth, testing locations and vaccines, barriers faced during stay-at-home orders, and impact of COVID on medical care. health workers and their clients, rural community members, and healthcare providers. Includes statistics on satisfaction...

150. Community-Clinical Linkages Within Health Care in Hawai'i - Resources
Date: Jun 2019

Special issue of the Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health focusing on collaborations between the community and healthcare facilities to improve health in Hawaii. Covers community health workers, health systems-based programs, community health-center based programs, and provider-based programs. Addresses rural throughout.

...Health Care in Hawai'i --- Special issue of the Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health focusing on collaborations between the community and healthcare facilities to improve health in Hawaii. Covers community health workers...