The Possibility Shop
- Need: To connect people in need in Allegany County, Maryland, to health and human services and to items like hygiene products, food, and clothing.
- Intervention: The Possibility Shop partners with health organizations, insurance navigators, food banks, and other agencies.
- Results: In 2024, 15,246 service encounters occurred and 940 intakes to services were performed.
The Possibility Shop in Cumberland, Maryland, provides information and services to people in need. The Possibility Shop serves Allegany County, which has been recognized as rural by the state and received a federal exception to be classified as rural. As part of Maryland Area Health Education Center West (AHEC West), the Shop works alongside community health workers, peer recovery specialists, and a network of local partners to support individuals facing various challenges.

Currently, over 26 organizations have partnered with the Shop, including:
- Allegany County Health Department
- Maryland Health Benefit Exchange
- Western Maryland Food Bank
- Maryland Legal Aid
- Maryland Women's Health Center
- Horizon Goodwill
- Workforce development organizations
- Other nonprofits and charities
Services offered
The Possibility Shop is staffed by health insurance navigators, community health workers, and peer recovery specialists.

The Possibility Shop provides a wide array of services and support, including:
- Health insurance education and enrollment
- Mental health resources
- STI testing
- Housing assistance
- Harm reduction services such as syringe services and naloxone distribution
- Hygiene products and outdoor survival equipment such as tents, blankets, and backpacks for individuals experiencing homelessness
- Connection to other local service agencies
- Food and clothing distribution
- Connection to legal resources
- General social service navigation
- Free phone application assistance
- Mailing address for important documents
The Possibility Shop instituted a “mail service agreement” that allows clients to receive important documents at the Shop address. Some staff members have become registered phone agents so that they can help clients apply for phones; if clients meet the requirements, they can receive a phone at the time they apply. From March 2024 to the end of the year, the Shop distributed 409 phones.
In 2024, 15,246 service encounters occurred and 940 intakes to services were performed. This is almost double the number of service encounters and intakes from 2023. The Possibility Shop currently averages visits from 63 unique individuals per day.
You can listen to a 4-minute interview with Cliff, a client:
Another client, Melissa, shares how the Possibility Shop helped her:
An important challenge is maintaining supplies. Clients living outside often lose their belongings. The need for funding to purchase supplies is ever present.

Clients often have difficulty in maintaining contact. This can result in incomplete warm handoffs or service applications. A very small number of consumers exhibit behaviors that prevent the Shop from supporting them or allowing them access.
While many agencies providing important services have embraced the Possibility Shop, others have not. In some cases, the logistics don't work. In others, there is a resistance to participate. Concerns from the business community and elected officials have become a significant challenge. The Shop is highly visible in the downtown area and gets frequent complaints about the behavior of the clients served.
Identify an anchor program or organization with sufficient resources to cover the rent and utilities and some staff. The Possibility Shop exists because its main funding source, the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, has endorsed and encouraged this approach.
Identify people who are ready, willing, and able to work with the clients. Ideally, hire people with lived experiences similar to the clients.
Community health workers
· Food security and nutrition
· Health insurance
· Housing and homelessness
· Human services
· Infectious diseases
· Sexual and reproductive health
· Social connectedness
· Substance use and misuse
States served
Date added
June 9, 2023
Date updated or reviewed
March 28, 2025
Suggested citation: Rural Health Information Hub, 2025. The Possibility Shop [online]. Rural Health Information Hub. Available at: [Accessed 31 March 2025]
Please contact the models and innovations contact directly for the most complete and current information about this program. Summaries of models and innovations are provided by RHIhub for your convenience. The programs described are not endorsed by RHIhub or by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. Each rural community should consider whether a particular project or approach is a good match for their community’s needs and capacity. While it is sometimes possible to adapt program components to match your resources, keep in mind that changes to the program design may impact results.