Jan 24, 2018
Young Rural Healthcare Leaders Share Experiences and Insights
From strategic planning to board
relations to nuanced business decision-making, the list
of skills for Critical Access Hospital executives is
extensive. We interviewed three Critical Access Hospital
CEOs and a chief nursing officer – all under age 40.
These leaders tell stories about mindfulness around
community needs bringing unanticipated financial health
to their organization. They share experiences of aligning
with competitors, resulting in a "W"
for both sides. They tell of "gut
decisions" gone right. Lastly, acknowledging
that the CAH will perpetually struggle to exist, they
provide advice for others interested in the rural
hospital's "C-suite."
Benjamin Anderson discloses his relational style of healthcare leadership and his success attracting committed medical providers and engaging the area's growing refugee population. |
Melissa Kelly discusses adding child care and restoring retail pharmacy to her community and encourages others to take advantage of rural healthcare resources. |
Stephanie Orr shares what it's like to become a leader much sooner than planned and emphasizes the importance of working the front lines. |
Adam Willmann talks about the importance of bringing "change" as an innovation to the hospital of his birth. |