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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Poverty and Deep Poverty Increasing in Rural America
Examines trends in poverty from 1976-2012, showing poverty and deep poverty data for the rural and urban population, and for rural and urban children. Includes discussion on the impact of the 2007-2009 recession on rural poverty rates.
Author(s): Tracey Farrigan
Citation: Amber Waves
Date: 03/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Rural/Urban Differences in Inpatient Related Costs and Use among Medicare Beneficiaries
Compares inpatient costs for Medicare beneficiaries admitted to rural versus urban hospitals. Also examines 30- and 60-day readmission rates by hospital location and beneficiary residence, adjusted for beneficiary rural status, health status, and sociodemographic characteristics.
Author(s): Matthew Toth, Mark Holmes, Victoria A. Freeman, George H. Pink
Date: 03/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Delays in Diagnosis of Congenital Hearing Loss in Rural Children
Analyzes Kentucky's newborn hearing-screening program data to determine the frequency of congenital hearing loss for both rural Appalachia and non-Appalachia regions of the state. Includes Appalachia and non-Appalachia hearing loss data by the number of births, failed newborns screenings, types of hearing loss, percent of families obtaining diagnostic testing following a failed screening test, and children enrolled in an early intervention program.
Author(s): Matthew L. Bush, Kristin Bianchi, Cathy Lester, et al.
Citation: Journal of Pediatrics, 164(2), 393-397
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
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Retail Tobacco Exposure: Using Geographic Analysis to Identify Areas With Excessively High Retail Density
Examines how socio-demographic factors relate to tobacco outlet density in the U.S. Includes rural versus urban tobacco outlet density data by race/ethnicity and poverty level.
Author(s): Daniel Rodriguez, Heather A. Carlos, Anna M. Adachi-Mejia, Ethan M. Berke, James Sargent
Citation: Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 16(2), 155-165
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
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Nonmydriatic Fundus Photography for Teleophthalmology Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Rural and Urban Clinics
Examines the diagnostic value of telehealth for eye exams to screen for diabetic retinopathy in remote California Native American reservations compared to patients seen in person at an urban University of California Davis medical clinic. Includes data and statistics for urban versus rural, ethnicity, and optic conditions present.
Author(s): Eric K. Chin, Bruna V. Ventura, Kai-Yin See, Joann Seibles, Susanna S. Park
Citation: Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 20(2),102-108
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
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The Health IT Regional Extension Center Program: Evolution and Lessons for Health Care Transformation
Highlights the accomplishments of the Regional Extension Center (REC) program, from January 2010 through June 2013, that provides assistance to small, rural, and underserved healthcare facilities in developing their electronic health record (EHR) platform and in achieving meaningful use.
Author(s): Kimberly Lynch, Mat Kendall, Katherine Shanks, et al.
Citation: Health Services Research, 49(1 Pt 2), 421-437
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
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Rural Implications of Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act
Report discusses how ACA Medicaid expansion will meet the distinctive needs of rural residents. Using 2007-2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data and data from state Medicaid policies and primary care providers, this report examines rural-urban differences in patient populations, reviews previous public health insurance programs affecting rural populations, and considers the availability of healthcare access in rural areas.
Author(s): Erika Ziller, Jennifer Lenardson, Andrew Coburn
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: State Health Access Reform Evaluation
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Rural Veterans: A Special Concern for Rural Health Advocates
Policy brief describing the special healthcare needs of rural veterans. Offers policy recommendations to address these issues. Covers access to primary care, specialty care, physical therapy, women's health services, and mental health services focusing on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Author(s): J. Alison Alfers, Hilda R. Heady
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Association
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Pharmacists in North Carolina: Steady Numbers, Changing Roles
Presents a study on the pharmacy workforce in North Carolina. Studies the number of pharmacists vs. the demand for pharmaceutical services, pharmacists nearing retirement age, demographics of the pharmacy workforce, and workforce supply and distribution. Includes graphs and maps.
Author(s): Julie C. Spero, Christopher Del Grosso, Erin P. Fraher
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research
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Chronic Disease Assessment Report for North Dakota
Presents the results of a statewide health assessment examining chronic disease in North Dakota. Provides an overview of the state's population characteristics, social and economic factors, and health outcomes.
Author(s): Nikki Massmann, Brad Gibbens, Mandi Peterson, Rebecca Quinn
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of North Dakota Center for Rural Health
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