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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Critical Need Counties in Broadband & Health - Rural 2017
Identifies counties with a critical need related to both broadband access and health, based on data related to broadband access, internet adoption, diabetes, and obesity. Only counties with a majority of the population living in rural areas and a total population equal to or exceeding 15,000, the median population for rural counties were considered for inclusion.
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Federal Communications Commission
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Resident and Residency Characteristics Associated With Self-reported Preparedness for Population Health Management
Results of a study to find resident and residency program characteristics associated with family medicine graduates' preparation to perform population health management. Includes statistics on 6,135 residents, with breakdowns by rural or urban residency location.
Author(s): Erica K. Schuster, Lars E. Peterson
Citation: Family Medicine, 49(10), 772-777
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Does Your State Face Rural Area Provider Shortages?
Shares the percentage of each state's population living in a rural county, along with the following rural and urban healthcare workforce statistics: number of specialists per 100,000 population, number of primary care providers per 100,000 population, and the percent of counties that are wholly designated primary care health professional shortage areas (HPSAs).
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Healthcare Value Hub
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Stem the Tide: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic
Presents a report on various methods hospitals and health systems can use to address the opioid epidemic. Discusses non-opioid pain management, prescribing practices, and treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs), among other topics. Highlights several rural programs and examples throughout.
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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A Socioecological Approach to Addressing Tobacco-Related Health Disparities
Presents a sociological approach to reducing tobacco use. Focuses on addressing tobacco use in minority groups where usage is still prevalent. Analyzes factors that predispose various groups to tobacco use and discusses methods for prevention and cessation.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Cancer Institute
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Employment, Poverty, and Public Assistance in the Rural United States
Compares economic and demographic characteristics of rural counties by county income level. Includes data on employment, race/ethnicity, and English-language proficiency. Also examines reliance on public sector supports: the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and children's health insurance.
Author(s): Rebecca Glauber, Andrew Schaefer
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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Response to Commentary: Increasing Rural Veterans' Access to Care Through Research
Summarizes the challenges of delivering quality healthcare to rural veterans. Discusses the role of research and innovation as a means of meeting those challenges.
Author(s): Thomas F. Klobucar
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: VA Health Services Research & Development Service
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Community Benefit Programming to Improve Healthy Food Access and Reduce Risk of Diet-Related Disease: A National Survey of Hospitals
Details the results of a survey on hospital community benefit programming to increase access to healthy food in an attempt to reduce diet-related health conditions. Discusses the Community Health Needs Assessments for the communities the surveyed hospitals were serving. Also, looks at the various implementation strategies used for each program.
Date: 2017
Type: Presentation Slides
Sponsoring organization: Health Care Without Harm
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Pregnancy Options Counseling and Abortion Referrals Among US Primary Care Physicians: Results From a National Survey
Results of a representative survey of 755 primary care physicians, related to their options counseling for unintended pregnancies. Features statistics with breakdowns including residency training area, religious affiliation, current practice type, geographic region, and rural, suburban, or urban location.
Author(s): Kelsey Holt, Elizabeth Janiak, Marie C. McCormick, et al.
Citation: Family Medicine, 49(7), 527-536
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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What's Next? Practical Suggestions for Rural Communities Facing a Hospital Closure
Presents alternative healthcare solutions for rural Texas communities that are facing a rural hospital closure. Examines the current state of healthcare delivery and outlines the regulatory and legislative obstacles to maintaining rural hospital services. Appendices provide additional information including maps of rural Texas hospital closures, a list of useful resources, reflections from rural hospital leaders, and more.
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: A&M Rural and Community Health Institute, Episcopal Health Foundation
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