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Rural Health Information Hub

State Data Accompanying MMWR Surveillance Summary 66 (No. SS-1): 1-8: Potentially Excess Deaths from the Five Leading Causes of Death in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas, United States, 2005-2015

Interactive data visualization that provides state-level metropolitan and non-metro data on expected and potentially excess deaths from cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, heart disease, stroke, and unintentional injury. Under the Options heading, select "Numbers of Potentially Excess Deaths by State" or "Potentially Excess and Expected Deaths by State and Locality" to access the data.
MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 66(SS-1), 1-8
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Cancer · Cardiovascular disease · Chronic respiratory conditions · Injuries · Mortality · Rural-urban differences · State-by-state data · State-by-state

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