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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health workforce

Insights on Educating the Rural Nursing Workforce with Jan Probst
An episode of the Exploring Rural Health podcast featuring Dr. Jan Probst, who shares insights on the rural nursing workforce. Shares findings from her research and also covers recent issues impacting the education of the rural nursing workforce, including COVID-19.
Date: 02/2022
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Using Machine Learning to Identify Factors Associated with Practice Location of the Healthcare Workforce
Results of a study applying machine learning techniques to identify factors predicting the decision of physicians, nurses, dentists, and pharmacists to practice in a rural area. Uses data sets collected by the Utah Medical Education Council in 2014, 2016, and 2017. Features statistics with breakdowns by rural and non-rural location.
Author(s): Jerry Bounsanga, Martin S. Lipsky, Eric S. Hon, et al.
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 22(1), 7050
Date: 02/2022
Type: Document
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Meeting the Behavioral Health Needs of Farm Families in Times of Economic Distress
Offers strategies to support development and integration of behavioral health services across healthcare and community-based organizations, including leveraging payment systems to support coordinated care for farm families and aligning federal grant programs to address mental health and substance use disorders. Features recommendations including integrating primary and behavioral care for initial treatment of mental health and substance abuse concerns, expanding the workforce to improve rural behavioral health services capacity, increasing telehealth services, and expanding private and public insurance coverage.
Author(s): Andrew F. Coburn, Alva O. Ferdinand, Alana Knudson, et al.
Date: 02/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Policy Research Institute Rural Health Panel
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Rural Community Pharmacists' Ability and Interest in Administering COVID-19 Vaccines in the Southern United States
Examines rural, southern community pharmacists' demographic characteristics, COVID-19 vaccine training, and ability to administer COVID-19 vaccines. Utilizes survey responses from 69 pharmacists part of the Rural Research Alliance of Community Pharmacies (RURAL-CP) and provides data on COVID-19 vaccine preparedness, attitudes, and more.
Author(s): Delesha M. Carpenter, Tessa Hastings, Salisa Westrick, et al.
Citation: Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 62(4), 1379-1383
Date: 01/2022
Type: Document
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Longitudinal Assessment of a Dental and Medical Student Service Program in Appalachia: Successes and Lessons Learned
Results of a study exploring a West Virginia University Institute for Community and Rural Health service scholarship program implemented in 2011 to address a lack of dental and primary care in rural and underserved areas. Features statistics including program participant characteristics, with breakdowns by rural or urban background, and practice site characteristics for participants with fulfilled program status, with breakdowns by rural or underserved location.
Author(s): April Vestal, Fotinos Panagakos, Treah Haggerty, Ashley Brianna Sheppard
Citation: Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 82(1), 113-117
Date: 01/2022
Type: Document
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Training Psychiatrists in New Mexico: Reflections from Psychiatry Residents Who Participated in a Rural Track Versus a Traditional Program Alone over the Past Decade
Presents results of a survey of 74 University of New Mexico psychiatry residents, comparing responses from those who participated in the school's Rural Psychiatry Track (RPT) to non-RPT residents. Describes the experiences of the residents and the RPT program's impacts on the likelihood of residents moving into rural practice.
Author(s): Cynthia Killough, Erin Rush Ortegon, Rahul Vasireddy, et al.
Citation: Academic Psychiatry, 46, 470-474
Date: 01/2022
Type: Document
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Nebraska Center for Nursing 2022 Biennial Report
Provides data on Nebraska's registered nurse (RN) and licensed practical nurse (LPN) workforce, including county-specific supply and rural and urban distribution by age group, race/ethnicity, education level, and employment setting. Projects the expected nursing workforce growth through 2025 by region and includes the anticipated nursing shortage for each region.
Date: 01/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Nebraska Center for Nursing
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Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages (ACICBL) Meeting Minutes, January 20-21, 2022
Summarizes the Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages (ACICBL) meeting held on January 20-21, 2022. Includes updates from the Bureau of Health Workforce and discussion on healthcare workforce resiliency and mental health. Features a presentation by the Wisconsin Council on Medical Education and Workforce on recruiting and retaining rural healthcare professionals.
Date: 01/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary Community-Based Linkages
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Telehealth Use in Rural and Remote Health Practitioner Education: An Integrative Review
A review of 60 articles that examines access and quality of telehealth education available to rural and remote health practitioners. Provides information on current virtual education models and resources and recommendations for supporting and developing virtual education for rural and remote health practitioners.
Author(s): Pauline Calleja, Susan Wilkes, Melinda Spencer, Steven Woodbridge
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 22
Date: 01/2022
Type: Document
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Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health External Quality Review: FY 2021-22 Statewide Report
Reports on an external review of all 56 county Mental Health Plans (MHPs) that are contracted to provide specialty mental health services to California Medicaid beneficiaries, including breakdowns for rural areas. Discusses challenges meeting demand and recruiting and retaining healthcare providers. Highlights access to services through telehealth; timeliness of providing service and tracking timeliness; quality management; and information systems.
Date: 01/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: California Department of Health Care Services
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