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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health workforce

Learning by Doing: The MD-PA Interprofessional Education Rural Rotation
Describes the Combined Medical-Physician Assistant Student Rural Rotation (Med-PARR) program at the Oregon Health & Science University, in which pairs of third-year MD students and second-year PA students spend 5 weeks together in a primary-care-focused clinical rotation in a rural area.
Author(s): Ryan Palmer, Curt Stilp
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 17(1), 4167
Date: 03/2017
Type: Document
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MedPAC Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy, 2017
Provides an annual review of Medicare payment policies, with recommendations to Congress. Includes discussions on Medicare payment policies that directly affect rural providers and beneficiaries. Analyses payment adequacy for home health, skilled nursing, long-term care hospitals, hospice, ambulatory surgical centers, and rehabilitation facilities.
Date: 03/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
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Community Health Workers Get Trained to Reduce Oral Health Disparities
Highlights programs serving the Navajo Nation, Texas colonias, and Appalachian Maryland that use community health workers to provide oral health education and improve access dental care.
Author(s): Jenn Lukens
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 03/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Assessment of Factors for Recruiting and Retaining Medical Students to Rural Communities Using the Community Apgar Questionnaire
Describes factors influencing family physician recruitment in rural settings from a survey of 282 third- and fourth-year medical students. Includes data on students intending to practice in rural versus non-rural areas. Utilizes the Community Apgar Questionnaire, which evaluates community factors influencing physician recruitment including geography, economics, facility and community support, scope of practice, and more.
Author(s): Alex J. Reed, David Schmitz, Edward Baker, James Girvan, Theodore McDonald
Citation: Family Medicine 49(2), 132-136
Date: 02/2017
Type: Document
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Veterans' Location in Health Professional Shortage Areas: Implications for Access to Care and Workforce Supply
Details a study on veterans that live in Health Professional Shortage Areas and their access to care. Focuses on the workforce demands of serving this population.
Author(s): Jamie Mihoko Doyle, Robin A. Streeter
Citation: Health Services Research, 52(s1), 459-480
Date: 02/2017
Type: Document
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Dental Therapy Toolkit: A Resource for Potential Employers
Toolkit designed to provide prospective employers of dental therapists a history and understanding of the field and offer information on how to integrate dental therapists into their practices in the state of Minnesota. Includes regulations and scope of practice details, education and training requirements, and examples of successful dental therapy models, among other topics.
Date: 02/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Health Reform Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Health - Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Minnesota Department of Human Services
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Community Health Workers: Recommendations for Bridging Healthcare Gaps in Rural America
Policy brief reviewing research findings on community health worker (CHW) integration, and how CHWs can help bridge healthcare gaps in rural communities. Also reviews various state policies related to CHWs, identifies a number of care settings where CHWs are working in rural areas, and makes policy recommendations to support the continued integration of CHWs into the rural healthcare delivery system.
Author(s): Kailyn Dorhauer Mock, Tracy Morton, Prisci Quijada, Julie St. John
Date: 02/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Association
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California's Primary Care Workforce: Current Supply, Characteristics, and Pipeline of Trainees
Describes the supply, distribution, and characteristics of California's primary care clinicians with rural-relevant information included throughout. Addresses primary care residency program distribution and training.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Janet Coffman, Igor Geyn, Kristine Himmerick
Date: 02/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Healthforce Center at UCSF
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Characteristics of Primary Care Physicians in Patient-Centered Medical Home Practices: United States, 2013
Describes the characteristics of primary care physicians participating in patient-centered medical home (PCMH) practices. Includes charts and graphs to help visualize the differences between PCMH practices and non-PCMH practices. Figure 2 presents data on the percentage of primary care physicians in PCMH practices, comparing them by location in metropolitan or non-metropolitan statistical area.
Author(s): Esther Hing, Ellen Kurtzman, Denys T. Lau, Caroline Taplin, Andrew B. Bindman
Date: 02/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Dentists in New Mexico by County
A fact sheet displaying in map and in table format the number of dentists in the state of New Mexico by county.
Date: 02/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Pew Charitable Trusts
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