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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health workforce

2019 National Tribal and Rural Training Needs Assessment
Reports findings from a survey of rural and tribal first response organizations to understanding their training needs. Includes information on demographics, core capabilities, training needs, and training information and delivery preferences.
Author(s): Kay Lang, Christopher Murtagh, Richards P. Davis
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Center for Best Practices in Law Enforcement, Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium
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Through the Diamond Threshold: A Community-based Psycho-educational Group Training Program for Treatment of Substance Use Disorders among American Indians
Discusses an intervention providing cultural competency training for providers of substance use disorder treatment in American Indian communities. Features a literature review outlining the training's framework.
Author(s): Rockey R. Robbins, Bryan G. Stare, Brittany M. Riggin
Citation: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 26(1), 79-105
Date: 2019
Type: Document
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The Relationship Between Rural Setting and Health: Factors that Influence Individuals With or at Risk of CVD - A Summary of the Literature
Describes current literature on rural challenges and opportunities, including cardiovascular risk due to obesity, lack of access to healthcare, workforce shortages, importance of paramedics and community health workers, telehealth and broadband, and impact of the substance use disorder epidemic. Intended to help stakeholders understand the causes of health disparities and to support action to improve the health of rural communities.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Heart Association
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Report to Congress: Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Direct and Indirect Training Expenses Report
Provides an overview of the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) program and describes costs involved in its efforts to improve distribution of primary care providers in rural and underserved areas. Features statistics including estimated costs of training a THC resident in FY 2017 dollars, with breakdowns by rural and nonrural location.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bureau of Health Workforce
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Williamson Health and Wellness Center (WHWC): Community Health Worker Care Coordination Program, West Virginia
Brief overview of a care coordination program using a team of community health workers, a registered nurse, and a nurse practitioner. Discusses the program's sustainability efforts, as well as key takeaways about the program. The program was funded under the Rural Health Care Coordination Network Partnership Grant Program from 2015-2018 and received additional philanthropic funding through a public-private partnership.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
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Comparing Buprenorphine-Prescribing Physicians Across Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas in the United States
Highlights a study comparing buprenorphine prescribing rates between metro and nonmetro areas. Looks at physician treatment practices, characteristics, and practice location.
Author(s): Lewei (Allison) Lin, Hannah K. Knudsen
Citation: Annals of Family Medicine, 17(3), 212-220
Date: 2019
Type: Document
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State Innovation Models (SIM) Round 2: Model Test Annual Report Three
Third annual report on the Round 2 State Innovation Models (SIM) program across eleven participating states - Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington. Addresses the adoption of delivery models and payment reforms related to value-based payment (VBP) and alternative payment models (APMs). Offers an update and lessons learned on strategies to support healthcare delivery transformation related to behavioral health integration, data for improving health care quality and performance, health information technology, care coordination, and workforce development. Describes states' population health activities. Includes discussion of rural issues throughout the report.
Additional links: Findings at a Glance
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RTI International
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Perspectives of Physicians in Small Rural Practices on the Medicare Quality Payment Program
Provides feedback from small, rural practices on the implementation of Medicare's Quality Payment Program (QPP), which includes the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs). Identifies challenges rural physicians face and offers recommendations to help more small practices participate in the program.
Author(s): Peter Mendel, Christine Buttorff, Peggy G. Chen, et al.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, RAND Corporation
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Examining the Availability of SAFE Kits at Hospitals in the United States
Congressional hearing analyzing the availability of sexual assault forensic examiners. Discusses the impact of training, service volume, and workforce retention on access. Notes rural-specific rates of sexual assault and challenges with access to care. Includes testimony from the U.S. Government Accountability Office, International Association of Forensic Nurses, and Futures Without Violence.
Additional links: A. Nicole Clowers Testimony, Kiersten Stewart Testimony, Sara Jennings Testimony
Date: 12/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
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Creating a Blueprint for Our Future: Louisiana State Health Assessment and Improvement Plan, March 2016-March 2020
Offers an overview of the health of the Louisiana population and identifies goals for improvement at both the state and regional levels. Discusses rural-specific considerations throughout. Includes maps indicating rural areas and Health Professional Shortage Areas.
Date: 12/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Louisiana Department of Health
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