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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health workforce

New Mexico Rural Health Plan
Presents the results of a rural health strategic planning project to develop recommendations for improving the health status and healthcare services in rural New Mexico. Report includes a definition of rural, a rural health priority assessment, identification of rural health priorities of local communities, and program and policy recommendations.
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Department of Health
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Data Report: 2018 Indiana Physician Assistant Licensure Survey
Provides demographic and practice characteristics of the Indiana physician assistant (PA) workforce as well as supply and distribution information, intended to improve the quality and accessibility to primary care. Features statistics including county-level PA geographic distribution with breakdowns by urban and rural location.
Author(s): Analise Dickinson, Sierra Vaughn, Hannah Maxey
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy
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Physical Activity Change after a Promotora-Led Intervention in Low-Income Mexican American Women Residing in South Texas
Examines the physical activity preferences and changes after a community health worker (CHW) led intervention to decrease sedentary time in 620 Mexican American women from mostly rural colonias settlements in Hidalgo County, South Texas on the U.S.-Mexico border. The Community Health Activities Model Program for Seniors Physical Activity (CHAMPS) instrument was used to predict an increase in moderate to vigorous physical activity.
Author(s): Jennifer J. Salinas, Deborah Parra-Medina
Citation: BMC Public Health. 2019,(19), 782.
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
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A Comparison of Urban and Rural Medical Student's Academic Performance and Rural Retention in Nevada - UME Graduates 2005-2014
Compares rural and urban student's demographics, previous locations, undergraduate grade point average (GPA), and medical college admission test (MCAT) scores with students working in rural and urban counties in Nevada to determine the probability of a rural student to be more likely to practice in a rural county.
Author(s): Victoria Young, Tabor Griswold, John Packham
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Office of Statewide Initiatives
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Mental Health Crisis in Colorado
Explores mental healthcare access in Colorado. News series from The Gazette details Colorado's mental healthcare system for youth, veterans, jails, and in rural areas, among other areas of disparity.
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: The Gazette
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Dental Hygiene Workforce in Iowa: Current Capacity and Implications for Access to Care for the Underserved
Analyzes Iowa's dental hygiene workforce using 2017 licensure and 2018 survey data, as well as other reports from the Iowa Department of Public Health. Includes discussion and a Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) map. Discusses job seeking experiences, career plans, and the dental hygiene workforce supply with a rural perspective.
Author(s): Julie C. Reynolds, Susan C. McKernan, Olayinka Adekugbe, Jennifer M.C. Sukalski, Raymond A. Kuthy
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Iowa Public Policy Center
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The Training Pipeline for EMS Personnel in South Carolina
Results of a 2017-2018 survey of all South Carolina institutions and regional EMS training centers that prepare students to take national EMS certification exams. Features county-level maps showing numbers of graduates of programs for emergency medical technicians (EMTs), advanced EMTs (AEMTs), and paramedics, with breakdowns by rural or urban location.
Author(s): Linda M. Lacey
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: South Carolina EMS Association, South Carolina Office for Healthcare Workforce
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A National Study of the Practice Characteristics of Women in Dentistry and Potential Impacts on Access to Care for Underserved Communities
Results of a study to understand differences in practice characteristics by gender, and to plan for changes in the workforce that could affect supply and demand of dental services in underserved areas. Features statistics including practice patterns by gender and year from 2010-2016 with breakdowns by practice location in rural area, small town, micropolitan, metropolitan, or large metropolitan area.
Author(s): Simona Surdu, Margaret Langelier, Yuhao Liu, Nubia Goodwin
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Workforce Studies
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The State of Rural Wisconsin Health
Presentation slides highlight the state of rural health in Wisconsin. Explores Wisconsin's rural economy, job growth, and workforce challenges, among other factors.
Author(s): Tim Size
Date: 06/2019
Type: Presentation Slides
Sponsoring organization: Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative
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How the Federal Government Supports State and Local Efforts to Improve Rural Health: A Q&A with Tom Morris
Provides a Q&A with Tom Morris, associate administrator of rural health policy at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Focuses on how government agencies are addressing rural hospital closures, population health, rural workforce development, and the opioid epidemic.
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Milbank Memorial Fund
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