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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health workforce

Arizona Medically Underserved Areas 2021
Map identifying the Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs) in Arizona.
Date: 2021
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Bureau of Health Systems Development
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Arizona Population to Primary Care Provider Ratio 2021
Map identifying primary care provider to population ratios in Arizona by primary care area.
Date: 2021
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Bureau of Health Systems Development
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Public Law 116–260: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021
Text of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Public Law 116-260 (December 27, 2020). Section 125 establishes the Rural Emergency Hospital designation. Section 127 makes changes to direct graduate medical education (GME) and indirect GME payments to teaching hospitals that train residents in Rural Training Programs.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Congress
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Rural Workforce Years: Quantifying the Rural Workforce Contribution of Family Medicine Residency Graduates
Results of a study comparing contributions of rurally trained family medicine residency program graduates from 2007-2013 with contributions of a geographically-matched cohort of non-rurally trained graduates. Features a list of matched programs, demographics, and statistics on total and standardized rural workforce years, with breakdowns by cohort.
Author(s): Peter Meyers, Elizabeth Wilkinson, Stephen Petterson, et al.
Citation: Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 12(6), 717-726
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
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The South Carolina Registered Nurse Workforce - 2018
Profiles the demographic and workplace characteristics of the registered nurse (RN) workforce in South Carolina, using data provided by nurses during their 2018 license renewal period. Features statistics on the change in the size of the South Carolina RN workforce from 2010-2018 and characteristics of this workforce, with breakdowns by metropolitan, micropolitan, and nonmetropolitan location.
Author(s): Kathleen Greenberg, K. Gaul
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium
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Preparing Nurse Faculty, and Addressing the Shortage of Nurse Faculty and Clinical Preceptors: Seventeenth Annual Report to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Congress
Presents policy and programmatic recommendations to address the nurse faculty shortage, improve the education and training of nurses, and strengthen the nursing profession. Discusses some of the persistent underlying causes of the faculty and preceptor shortage, examines past efforts from both government agencies and private organizations to bolster the nurse faculty, and explores the differences between states in nurse educational role requirements.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice
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December 2020 MedPAC Meeting Transcript
Transcript from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission's (MedPAC) December 2020 meeting. Covers payment adequacy and updates for hospital inpatient and outpatient services and the mandated report on expanding the post-acute care transfer policy to hospice, ambulatory surgical center services, outpatient dialysis services, physician and other health professional services, hospice services, and a status report and benchmark policy option on the Medicare Advantage program. Includes rural references throughout.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
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Addressing Health Disparities in the Rural United States: Advocacy as Caregiving among Community Health Workers and Promotores de Salud
Presents a study comparing the roles played by community health workers (CHWs) and promotores de salud in serving rural communities in Indiana and Texas. Discusses CHWs role in addressing rural health disparities and describes that role in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Author(s): Ryan I. Logan, Heide Castañeda
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24), 9223
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
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Indian Health Service Facilities Made Progress Incorporating Patient Protection Policies, but Challenges Remain
Assesses Indian Health Service (IHS) facility implementation of policies to protect children from sexual abuse by providers. Identifies challenges to carrying out the policies. Also discusses barriers that might prevent staff and patients from reporting abuse. Includes recommendations to IHS to further protect patients from abuse. Recommendations address training and guidance, background checks, abuse reporting processes, and monitoring of facility compliance.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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The Public Health Associates Program: Opportunities for Rural Host Sites
Webinar recording discusses the Public Health Associates Program (PHAP), a two-year training program for gaining experience working in public health agencies. Features presentations from a representative of the Public Health Associates Program (PHAP).
Additional links: Audio Recording, PowerPoint Handout
Date: 12/2020
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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