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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health workforce

Texas Emergency Medical Services Personnel, 2020: Trends, Distribution, and Demographics
Fact sheet showing emergency medical services (EMS) personnel growth trends, geographic distribution by county and ratio of population to EMS personnel by metropolitan, non-metropolitan, border, and non-border geography, provider demographics by race/ethnicity, age, and gender, and license type.
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Health and Human Services
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Training Needs to Prepare the Healthcare Workforce for Rural Practice
Issue brief focused on improving the health of rural communities through strengthening the rural healthcare workforce. Discusses key principles to promote rural graduate medical education, Area Health Education Centers, and special considerations for rural training and practice.
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Council on Graduate Medical Education
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Vermont Baseline Needs Assessment: Rural and Non-Rural Practitioners
Report details a needs assessment of Vermont's practitioners' capacity to treat substance use disorder (SUD) and compares rural and urban counties. Breaks down workforce distribution by county, by rural versus urban, and by the type of SUD treatment they are able to provide, as well as their MAT waiver status, among other measures.
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Vermont Center on Rural Addiction
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Evaluation of the State Innovation Models (SIM) Initiative Round 2: Model Test Final Report
Final report on the Round 2 State Innovation Models (SIM) program across eleven participating states - Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington. Discusses the adoption of delivery models and payment reforms related to value-based payment (VBP) and alternative payment models (APMs). Examines whether the implementation efforts and healthcare delivery system reforms impacted the quality of care, health outcomes, population health, and spending.
Additional links: Appendix, Findings at a Glance
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RTI International
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Indiana's Physician Assistant Workforce
Information on demographics, education and practice characteristics, and distribution of Indiana physician assistants (PAs). Includes a county-level map showing population to PA ratios, with a comparison of numbers of PAs in rural and urban counties.
Author(s): Analise Dickinson, Sierra Vaughn, Mykayla Moore, Hannah Maxey
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy
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47th Annual Arizona Rural Health Conference
Offers presentation slides and video recordings from the 2021 Annual Arizona Rural Health Conference. Covers a wide variety of topics including infrastructure needs in rural communities, telehealth and distance learning, prevention efforts to address social determinants of health, and more.
Date: 06/2021
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Arizona's Physician Shortage: Monitoring Rural Physician Retention and Relocation
Brief discussing rural physician shortage issues in Arizona, offering national-level standards for physician age, education, and structural factors impacting retention. Offers recommendations related to physician surveys to monitor shortages and workforce needs in the state.
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Health Workforce in Nevada: A Chartbook
Highlights current state and federal data on the supply and geographic distribution of physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers providing direct patient care services, and administrative and non-clinical healthcare workers in Nevada.
Author(s): John Packham, Tabor Griswold, Jeannine Warner, Laima Etchegoyhen
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Office of Statewide Initiatives
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Implementing and Sustaining Rural Community Paramedicine
Incorporates proceedings from the February 21-22, 2021 Rural Community Paramedicine (CP) Summit, and key strategies for implementing and sustaining CP in rural communities. Contains resources, information on established CP programs, and information about how state Flex Programs can support rural CP efforts. Describes experiences of established CP providers so that rural ambulance providers and hospitals might be better prepared as they consider similar initiatives in their own communities.
Additional links: Webinar
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Recommendations on Strengthening Mental Health Care in Rural Minnesota
Presents policy and practice recommendations from Minnesota's Rural Health Advisory Committee (RHAC) Rural Mental Health Workgroup to improve access to mental healthcare for rural communities. Discusses challenges in accessing mental healthcare services in rural Minnesota.
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Minnesota Department of Health - Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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