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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health conditions

Barriers and Facilitators for Low-Dose Computed Tomography Lung Cancer Screening in Rural Populations in the United States: A Scoping Review Protocol
Describes a scoping review methodology to research rural health disparities related to low-dose computed tomography lung cancer screenings in rural areas of the United States.
Author(s): Michelle Palokas, Elizabeth Hinton, Roy Duhe, et al.
Citation: JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(11), 2727-2733
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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COVID-19 Response in System-Owned and Independent CAHs
Recording of a November 2022 webinar presenting findings from Critical Access Hospital (CAH) executives regarding experiences and challenges responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Compares the experiences of system-affiliated and independent CAHs.
Additional links: Presentation Slides
Author(s): Madeleine Pick
Date: 11/2022
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Social Determinants of Health in the Age of COVID: Effects of Social Isolation Among Adults 62+ in Rural Pennsylvania
Results of a study analyzing the extent of social isolation among rural Pennsylvanians aged 62 or older during the pandemic, evaluating determinants of social isolation, identifying programs and services that minimize social isolation, and assessing potential replicability in Pennsylvania. Includes sections on factors such as mental health access, faith-based organizations, transportation, technology use, and housing options.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Christopher Harris, FangHsun Wei, Mary Rita Weller, Kelly Smith
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
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COVID-19 Stakeholder Experiences in the Commonwealth of Kentucky - 2022
Results of surveys taken from October-December 2021 by 145 Kentucky school leaders, community health workers and their clients, rural community members, and healthcare providers. Includes statistics on satisfaction with telehealth, testing locations and vaccines, barriers faced during stay-at-home orders, and impact of COVID on medical care.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health
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Multilevel Correlates of Domain-Specific Physical Activity Among Rural Adults – a Cross-Sectional Study
Examines the domains in which rural residents are able to participate in physical activity (PA), such as for transportation-related (e.g. walking, cycling) recreational, or occupational. Analyzes 1,241 participants enrolled in a PA intervention in the rural Midwest from August 2019 to September 2020, with data broken down by individual/demographic factors and perceived environmental factors.
Author(s): Alan M. Beck, Natalicio H. Serrano, Audrey Toler, Ross C. Brownson
Citation: BMC Public Health, 22, 2150
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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The Financial Impact of COVID-19 on Texas Hospitals
Reports on financial and operational challenges facing Texas hospitals following the COVID-19 pandemic, including rural and urban data on risk of closure. Provides charts comparing annual data on expenses and revenue changes between 2020 and 2022.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Kaufman Hall
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Trends and Disparities in Firearm Fatalities in the United States, 1990-2021
Results of a study of 1,110,421 firearm fatalities from 1990-2021, using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Features statistics including age- and year-specific firearm homicide and suicide fatality rates with breakdowns by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, and county-level maps showing geographic distribution of firearm fatalities.
Author(s): Chris A. Rees, Michael C. Monuteaux, Isabella Steidley, et al.
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 5(11)
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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Understanding Barriers to COVID-19 Testing Among Rural and Urban Populations in Kansas
Highlights a study on the barriers to COVID-19 testing in rural and urban Kansas. Bases conclusions on the results of a 2021 survey of 2,196 Kansans and highlights reported barriers such as perceived pain of the test, unsure of where to receive testing, and not wanting to test positive, among other factors.
Author(s): Vicki L. Collie-Akers, Elizabeth Ablah, Sarah Landry, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 112(S9), S874-S877
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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Active vs Traditional Methods of Recruiting Children for a Clinical Trial in Rural Primary Care Clinics: A Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial
Discusses the effectiveness of active recruitment versus traditional recruitment for enrolling rural youth with overweight or obesity in a group behavioral telehealth intervention. Compares the use of direct engagement with pediatric patients at a clinic against the posting of flyers at a clinic and utilizing social media and press releases, with recruiting beginning in February 2020.
Author(s): Paul M. Darden II, Ann M. Davis, Jeannette Y. Lee, et al.
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 5(11), e2244040
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Rural Health Clinics' Operations and Cancer Prevention and Control Efforts
Findings brief describing a study surveying 150 Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) to examine how COVID-19 has affected their overall operations and provision of cancer prevention and control services. Includes statistics on pandemic-related clinic-level stressors and on percentage of sampled RHCs providing cancer prevention and control services before and after March 2020.
Author(s): Whitney E. Zahnd, Allie F. Silverman, Stella Self, et al.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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