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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health conditions

Pre-Pandemic Geographic Access to Hospital-Based Telehealth for Cancer Care in the United States
Explores the availability of telehealth and oncology services across geographic and sociodemographic domains before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizes 2019 and 2020 data sources to examine hospital characteristics by telehealth and oncology services, with information on hospital ownership, number of hospital beds, Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) status, presence of Rural Health Clinic (RHC) co-located at hospital, and more. Includes availability of telehealth, oncology, and hospital services broken down by county; HPSA status; income, average age, and race/ethnicity of residents; ratio of population to primary care physicians; rural noncore, rural micropolitan, or urban status; and more.
Author(s): David I. Shalowitz, Peiyin Hung, Whitney E. Zahnd, Jan Eberth
Citation: PLoS One, 18(1)
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Challenges with Vaccination Data Hinder State and Local Immunization Program Efforts to Combat COVID-19
Presents results of a December 2021 survey of 56 state and local immunization programs regarding whether they receive individual-level COVID-19 vaccination data from Federal agencies and retail pharmacy partners. Discusses the impact of having incomplete individual-level vaccination data on reaching unvaccinated and vulnerable populations, including rural populations and American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs). Includes recommendations for the CDC to mitigate data gaps and ensure that state and local immunization programs are aware of existing tools to address vaccination campaign needs.
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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Early Challenges Highlight Areas for Improvement in COVID-19 Vaccination Programs
Explores challenges faced by 56 state, local, and territorial immunization programs in implementing COVID-19 vaccination programs, including challenges to reaching rural and underserved populations. Discusses mitigation strategies the immunization programs implemented to address those challenges. Includes recommendations for the CDC to improve the efficiency and equity of the COVID-19 vaccination programs.
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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Geographic Access to Pediatric Cancer Care in the US
Examines estimated travel time for various populations to access pediatric cancer care in the United States. Analyzes data from more than 90 million children and adolescents and young adults (AYAs) extracted from 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-year estimates. Includes demographic breakdowns of median travel time by race/ethnicity, age, health insurance status, area deprivation index (ADI), U.S. region, and urban, large town, small town, or rural location. Provides maps that show travel time from population centroids of U.S. ZIP code tabulation areas as well as per capita pediatric oncologist supply by Census division and state.
Author(s): Xiaohui Liu, Mark N. Fluchel, Anne C. Kirchhoff, Haojie Zhu, Tracy Onega
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 6(1), e2251524
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Shorter Time to Treatment Is Associated With Improved Survival in Rural Patients With Breast Cancer Despite Other Adverse Socioeconomic Factors
Analyzes the relationship between time to treatment initiation (TTI) and overall survival (OS) of cancer patients. Examines 1,205,031 women with breast cancer from 2004 to 2012 by socioeconomic and demographic information, with data further broken down by rural versus urban location.
Author(s): Minh-Tri Nguyen, Wei Wei, Gregory Cooper, Alok A. Khorana, Suneel D. Kamath
Citation: Oncology, 37(1), 19-24
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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COVID-19 Impacts on Primary Care Clinic Care Management Processes
Examines the relationship between COVID-19 primary care disruptions and worsened health outcomes for patients with chronic diseases. Analyzes 269 primary care clinics in Minnesota in 2017, 2019, and 2021 to observe changes in care management processes (CMPs). Presents rural versus urban clinic data related to CMPs reported on the Physician Practice Connections Readiness Survey (PPC-RS).
Author(s): Leif I. Solberg, Caroline S. Carlin, Kevin A. Peterson
Citation: The Annals of Family Medicine, 21(1), 40-45
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Mobile Health and Wellness Project: A Binational Collaboration of Frontline Health Services to the Latino Population in the United States in Times of COVID-19
Highlights the activities and initial outcomes of the education and vaccination efforts provided by the Mobile Health and Wellness project focused on Latino, immigrant, and rural communities in the U.S. to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Preventive health services were offered to Latinx populations in areas with limited access to health services, and provided via mobile health vehicles operated by the US-Mexico Border Health Commission (Mexico Section) along with Alianza Americas, Latino Commission on AIDS, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Author(s): Cecilia B. Rosales, Hilda Dávila Chávez, Michael A. Flynn, et al.
Citation: Frontiers in Public Health, 10
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Care Coordination and Community Partnerships for Cancer Care in Critical Access Hospitals
Presents findings from a survey of 135 Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) regarding care coordination practices for patients with cancer. Describes the types of care coordination services provided by CAHs and the staff that provide these services. Discusses partnerships between CAHs and community organizations regarding cancer initiatives.
Author(s): Megan Lahr, Xiomara Santana, Nathan Bean, Helen Parsons, Ira Moscovice
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Telemedicine Use and Quality of Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Results of a study of 1,768 clinicians treating 11,801 patients with opioid use disorder (OUD), to examine the association between telemedicine adoption during the COVID-19 pandemic and indicators of OUD treatment quality. Explores medications for OUD (MOUD) prescribing and OUD-related clinical events, including drug overdose, inpatient detoxification, and rehabilitation center stay. Features statistics including patient and clinician characteristics, with breakdowns by metropolitan, micropolitan, small town, and rural location.
Author(s): Ruth Hailu, Ateev Mehrotra, Haiden A. Huskamp, Alisa B. Busch, Michael L. Barnett
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 6(1)
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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What Happens When COVID-19 Emergency Declarations End? Implications for Coverage, Costs, and Access
Identifies federal health-related COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) declarations, the flexibilities each provides, and implications for ending them. Topics covered include COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccination; telehealth; Medicaid coverage and federal match rates; Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance flexibilities; and more.
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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