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Rural Health Information Hub

Expanded Report to Congress: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation in Medicaid, 2018–2021

Examines the Medicaid analysis of non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) using Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) data from 2018-2021. Explores the number and percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries using NEMT, the average number of NEMT "ride days" per NEMT user per month enrolled in Medicaid, the types of medical services accessed when using NEMT, monthly trends in the use of NEMT versus telehealth services before and during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), and the volume of NEMT services used by type of NEMT delivery model. Offers recommendations for states and local stakeholders regarding Medicaid coverage of NEMT. Presents data by state and by beneficiary characteristics, including Medicaid eligibility category, health conditions, and urban-rural location.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Access · Frontier and remote areas · Health conditions · Legislation and regulations · Medicaid · Policy · Rural-urban differences · State-by-state data · Statistics and data · Telehealth · Transportation · State-by-state

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