California Song-Brown Healthcare Workforce Training Program: Primary Care Residency
This funding record is inactive. Please see the program website or contact the program
sponsor to
determine if this program is currently accepting applications or will open again in the future.
The Song-Brown Healthcare Workforce Training Program provides grants to support primary care residency training programs in California, including family medicine, internal medicine, OB/GYN, and pediatrics.
Residency programs must:
- Provide training sites in medically underserved multicultural communities, lower socioeconomic neighborhoods, or rural communities, and prepare primary care physicians to serve in such neighborhoods and communities
- Establishing procedures to identify, recruit, and match primary care residents with characteristics that may predispose them to practice in areas of unmet need and/or residents who express a commitment to serve in areas of unmet need
- Implement counseling and placement programs to encourage training program graduates to enter practice in areas of unmet need
- Provide a preceptorship experience in an area of unmet need to enhance the potential of training program graduates to practice in such an area
Priority will be given to programs with demonstrated success in graduating individuals who practice in medically underserved areas; enrolling members of underrepresented groups; locating the main training site in a medically underserved area; and operating a main training site at which the majority of patients are Medi Cal recipients
A list of questions to determine eligibility and program type is available in the application instructions.
A total of $31,000,000 is available to support training programs.
For existing primary care residency (PCR)
- $125,000 per first year slot
- May apply for 5 slots
- A total of $18,600,000 available for existing PCR slots
Teaching health center existing PCR
- $125,000 per first year slot
- May apply for 6 slots
- A total of $5,600,000 available for existing THC primary care slots
PCR expansion slots for existing
- $300,000 per first year slot
- May apply for 3 slots
- A total of $3,300,000 available for expanding PCR programs
New PCR programs:
- Maximum award $1,000,000
- Maximum award of $2,000,000 for new PCR programs with a 25% match
- A total of $3,300,000 available for new PCR programs
Links to additional guidance, application instructions, and the online application portal are available on the program website.
Related Content
Organizations (1)
- California Department of Health Care Access and Information, view details
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application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided
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