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Rural Health Information Hub

Substance Use and Misuse in Rural Areas – Resources

Selected recent or important resources focusing on Substance Use and Misuse in Rural Areas.

Maintaining Fidelity to ACT: Current Issues and Innovations in Implementation
Reports on principles, implementation, and population-based adaptions of the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) model, which provides community-based treatment and recovery services for people with serious mental illness and high risk of concurrent substance use, homelessness, criminal justice system involvement, or psychiatric crisis. See pages 35-38 for discussion of rural ACT implementation and modifications.
Date: 09/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Types of Offers of Combustible Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, and Betel Nut Experienced by Guam Youths
Presents a study on the scenarios where youths in Guam are presented with the opportunity to use cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and betel nut. Bases findings on focus group discussions and breaks down data by type of offer, location, and group context, among other measures.
Author(s): Francis Dalisay, Scott K. Okamoto, Jane Teneza, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(19), 6832
Date: 09/2023
Type: Document
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Culturally Responsive Pathways to Peer Programming in Tribal Communities
Discusses best practices for the use of peer recovery support services (PRSS) for addiction recovery in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. Includes a culturally competent adaptation of the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) and offers evidence-based case studies.
Date: 09/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice
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National Report: Rural Substance Use Disorder Stigma and Treatment Needs
Report explores the role of stigma among rural substance use disorder (SUD) practitioners providing care to people with opioid use disorder (OUD). Bases findings on a survey of rural SUD practitioners across the country and looks specifically at their opinion of OUD patients and OUD treatment. Highlights other perceived barriers and concerns among rural practitioners.
Date: 09/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Vermont Center on Rural Addiction
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Implementation of Substance Use Screening in Rural Federally-Qualified Health Center Clinics Identified High Rates of Unhealthy Alcohol and Cannabis Use among Adult Primary Care Patients
Examines the feasibility of integrating electronic health record (EHR) tools into the screening of primary care patients for substance use. Discusses the process of screening 3,749 patients at 3 rural Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) via EHR-integrated methods and the potential impacts of this screening method on reducing rural primary care provider burden.
Author(s): Jennifer McNeely, Bethany McLeman, Trip Gardner, et al.
Citation: Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 18, 56
Date: 09/2023
Type: Document
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Rural Recovery Housing, with Ernie Fletcher and Erica Walker
An episode of the Exploring Rural Health podcast featuring Governor Ernie Fletcher, co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of the Fletcher Group, and Erica Walker, Outreach and Engagement Specialist for the Fletcher Group. Focuses on recovery housing in rural communities and the different levels of support it can provide to help people healing from substance use disorders.
Date: 09/2023
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Methodological Resource Book
Report details the data collection practices and methodology to conduct the Nation Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) for 2022. Highlights data collection information for large, small, and nonmetropolitan areas.
Date: 08/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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SAMHSA Strategic Plan 2023-2026
Details the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's framework and funding priorities for 2023-2026. Discusses priorities such as strengthening the behavioral health workforce, suicide prevention, and behavioral health integration, among other issues. Highlights behavioral health equity measures that address rural communities.
Date: 08/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Empowering Native Families: A Youth Cannabis Prevention Toolkit for Native American Parents
Report provides guidance for American Indian and Alaska Native communities on cannabis use among children and teens. Discusses the prevalence of cannabis use by native youth and highlights strategies for addressing it. Provides links to additional resources.
Date: 08/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network
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Recovery In Rural America: Housing Helps Address the Substance Use Disorder Crisis
Describes the intersection of housing issues and substance use disorder (SUD) and discusses potential collaborations, innovations, and solutions. Includes examples of how rural communities across the U.S. have strategized to solve problems associated with housing and SUD.
Date: 08/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Housing Assistance Council
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Additional resources are available related to this guide. See the full list of resources by topic for:

Last Updated: 11/26/2024