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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Tribal Health – Resources

Selected recent or important resources focusing on Rural Tribal Health.

Home Modification and Repair Services and Needs in Indian Country
Discusses the importance of home modifications and repairs to promote successful aging in place and independent living, with a focus on tribal elders. Describes the types of home modification and repair services offered by Title VI Native American Aging Programs, funding sources, and unmet needs and barriers to services.
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, USAging
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Title VI Native American Aging Programs: Services and Partnerships
Infographic describing Title VI services and supports provided to American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian elders to help them continue living at home and in their communities. Includes information on Title VI program cooperation with community partners and tribal health care organizations.
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USAging
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The Impact of COVID-19 on Title VI Native American Aging Programs and Services
Infographic summarizing results of a survey of Title VI Native American aging program directors on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their programs and communities. Provides information on the needs of Native American elders during the pandemic, expanded or new services offered by Title VI programs, and workforce concerns.
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Miami University Scripps Gerontology Center, USAging
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Consent and Capacity in Indian Country - Elder Abuse and the Connection to Consent, Capacity, and Undue Influence
Defines consent, capacity, and undue influence in connection to the abuse of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/NA) elders. Highlights 6 pillars for evaluating capacity in older adults and gives cultural context for AI/NA elders.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Native American Elder Justice Initiative
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Indian Health Service Facilities Made Progress Incorporating Patient Protection Policies, but Challenges Remain
Assesses Indian Health Service (IHS) facility implementation of policies to protect children from sexual abuse by providers. Identifies challenges to carrying out the policies. Also discusses barriers that might prevent staff and patients from reporting abuse. Includes recommendations to IHS to further protect patients from abuse. Recommendations address training and guidance, background checks, abuse reporting processes, and monitoring of facility compliance.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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Communication With American Indians and Alaska Natives About Cardiovascular Disease
Examines strategies for successfully conveying information about cardiovascular disease (CVD) to American Indians and Alaska Natives to reduce CVD morbidity and mortality among those populations. Features data and statistics on survey respondents' sources of information about CVD as well as their perception of CVD risk and perceived information sufficiency, with information broken down by location of residence, including reservations, rural areas or towns, and metropolitan areas.
Author(s): Amanda D. Boyd, Amber L. Fyfe-Johnson, Carolyn Noonan, Clemma Muller, Dedra Buchwald
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 17
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
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Few Patients Received High Amounts of Opioids from IHS-Run Pharmacies
Presents an evaluation of the opioid prescribing practices of the Indian Health Service (IHS). Bases analysis on IHS opioid prescribing data, discusses the role of electronic health records (EHRs) in monitoring opioid prescriptions, and makes recommendations to improve monitoring.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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Incidence of Adverse Events in Indian Health Service Hospitals
Explores the occurrence of harm events in Indian Health Service (IHS) hospitals. Discusses the rates of adverse harm events, or those leading to prolonged or permanent patient harm, and temporary harm events. Breaks down data by hospital size and patient age and reason for admission. Makes recommendations regarding quality control and oversight.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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Instances of IHS Labor and Delivery Care Not Following National Clinical Guidelines or Best Practices
Evaluates the labor and delivery practices of Indian Health Service (IHS) hospitals and highlights instances when they deviate from national clinical guidelines. Discusses the negative patient outcomes from deviating from national guidelines and makes recommendations regarding site visits and training.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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Indian Health Service: Actions Needed to Improve Oversight of Provider Misconduct and Substandard Performance
Evaluates Indian Health Service (IHS) oversight of policies related to provider misconduct and substandard performance. Provides recommendations for the director to IHS to implement to address inconsistencies in oversight across IHS areas and facilities.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Last Updated: 5/10/2024