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Rural Health Information Hub

Evidence-based Health Promotion Programs among American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Communities

Report details disparities in healthcare access for American Indian (AI), Alaska Native (AN), and Native Hawaiian (NH) communities. Discusses the role the Older American Act has played in providing services to AI/AN/NH populations and highlights the results of a survey of directors and staff of programs funded through the act on its efficacy and challenges. Explores evidence-based practices aimed at health promotion and disease prevention in AI/AN/NH communities and discusses the experience of both program directors and the elders in the community.
Collette Adamsen, Becky Bendixen, Melody Woodrich-Fernando, et al.
National Council on Aging
Tagged as
Access · Aging and aging-related services · Elderly population · Health disparities · Policy · Tribal communities · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention

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