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Rural Health Information Hub

Module 3: Program Clearinghouse

Organizations around the country are implementing community paramedicine and mobile integrated health programs tailored to address the needs of their rural community.

Examples of organizations that have developed promising programs designed to implement community paramedicine in rural areas are provided below. Evidence-based and promising service models for implementing community paramedicine programs are available in Module 2.

  • Baxter Regional Medical Center Community Paramedic Mobile Healthcare
    Synopsis: This program, operated by a community hospital's ambulance service, connects patients who are high emergency service utilizers or experience chronic health issues with community paramedics who help them navigate the health system and adhere to a care plan.
  • Flagler County Fire Rescue Community Paramedicine Program
    Synopsis: Supported by Flagler County Fire Rescue, this program currently connects over 200 patients with necessary local medical and transportation services. Their services are offered to patients based on medical transport history.
  • Johnston County Emergency Medical Services Community Paramedic Program
    Synopsis: In a recent evaluation, Johnston County's Community Paramedic Program reduced readmission rates by 90% within 30 days of discharge for patients who experience chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and diabetes. The program receives funding support from the local hospital.
  • Manatee County Department of Public Safety Community Paramedic Program
    Synopsis: This program provides uninsured or underinsured patients who are frequent emergency services utilizers or experience diabetes, frequent falls, respiratory conditions, or substance use disorder with in-home services to manage their health and prevent hospital readmissions.
  • Queen Anne's County Mobile Integrated Community Health (MICH) Program
    Synopsis: Queen Anne's County Department of Health and Department of Emergency Services have partnered to deliver a mobile integrated health program in which community nurses and paramedics conduct home safety checks and physical and social needs assessments to improve patients' health.
  • United Ambulance Service
    Synopsis: United Ambulance Service provides its patient population with a host of in-home health services, like home safety and well-being checks, medication reconciliation, vaccinations, health screenings, chronic disease management education, and wound care services. This program serves patients who lack access to resources, like home health care, and aims to connect each patient with a primary care provider.
  • Nevada Rural Hospital Partners Community Paramedicine Program
    Synopsis: With specially trained Advanced EMTs, the Nevada Rural Hospital Partners Community Paramedicine Program utilizes in-home visits and remote monitoring devices to care for patients with chronic conditions.