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Rural Health Information Hub


  • Project Title: Aging Well Outreach Network
  • Grant Period: 5/1/2015 – 4/30/2018
  • Program Representative Interviewed: Dr. Steven Collier, Chief Executive Officer
  • Location: Cross County, Arkansas
  • Program Overview: This program works to improve health outcomes and quality of life for Cross County, Arkansas' adults ages 50 and older by reducing fall risks. The program also aims to better manage chronic conditions by coordinating with the Longevity Center and case management. The Longevity Center is a medical home co-located with an existing primary care clinic and focuses on the primary care needs of older adults. The Longevity Center complements existing services in Cross County and gives existing providers a referral location for their older patients. The center also provides:
    • Geriatric specialist physician
    • Wellness and fitness center for older adults
    • Home health coordination
    • Medication reconciliations on site or in an individual's home
    • Fall prevention assessment and treatment plans
    • Case managers to help older adults overcome any medical care barriers
    • Transportation assistance for medical or physical activity activities, including four vans to help participants travel to activities and appointments
    This program targets all 7,500 Cross County residents age 50 and older. Participants are identified while receiving services in the ARcare facility as being able to benefit from the program. In addition to funding from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, and state funding for the Longevity Center, the program secured private foundation money to help purchase durable medical equipment, such as walkers and canes, to help older adults stay in their home. So far, the program has served more than 1,000 patients ages 50 and older with chronic disease and is able to support them in aging in place through a holistic, interdisciplinary team approach.

Models represented by this program: