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Website Search Results for: Food Security

1090 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 571 - 580:

571. Leveling the Playing Field for Rural Students - Resources
Date: Nov 2017

Provides a snapshot of rural schools and discusses the challenges they face. Challenges include how to provide new, high quality educational opportunities, health barriers that affect learning, providing career and technical education programs, food insecurity for rural children, and investments in rural schools. insecurity for rural children, and investments in rural schools. Date 11/2017 Type Document Organizations School Superintendents Association, The Rural School and Community Trust Tagged as Children and youth · Environmental health · Food security...

572. Losses, Gains, and Changes to the Food Environment in a Rural Kentucky County during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Resources
Date: Nov 2021

Results of a study conducted in rural Laurel County, Kentucky, regarding changes to the food environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Offers suggestions for future programming to address inequitable access and response during public health emergencies.

...Access · Appalachia · Emergency preparedness and response · Food security and nutrition · Infectious diseases · Public health · Kentucky...

573. School Breakfast Program Participation and Rural Adolescents' Purchasing Behaviors in Food Stores and Restaurants - Resources
Date: Oct 2017

Examines whether buying food before or after school at nearby stores or fast-food restaurants was related to adolescents' overall diet and participation in school breakfast programs. Features statistics using data from 404 students from 8 rural Minnesota schools during the 2014-2015 school year.

...Document Tagged as Children and youth · Food security and nutrition · Schools · Statistics and data · Minnesota...

574. Dual Burden of Stunting and Obesity Among Elementary School Children on Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands - Resources
Date: Aug 2019

Provides a baseline for the prevalence of obesity and low height-for-age in elementary students on Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands in response to initiatives addressing childhood over- and under-nutrition. Compares data by age group, school type, and gender.

...Food security and nutrition · Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander · Obesity and weight control · Schools · Statistics...

575. A Group Randomized Intervention Trial Increases Participation in the School Breakfast Program in 16 Rural High Schools in Minnesota - Resources
Date: Jun 2019

Study examining a school-based intervention to increase breakfast consumption in 16 rural Minnesota schools. Draws data from 9th and 10th grade students who were assigned to the intervention group or to control conditions. Discusses intervention programming, including increased access to breakfast services and marketing efforts.

...Food security and nutrition · Schools · Statistics and data · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention · Minnesota...

576. Adults Living in Families Experiencing Food Insecurity in the Past 30 Days: United States, 2021 - Resources
Date: Apr 2023

Examines characteristics of adults 18 and older living in families experiencing food insecurity. Includes data for those living in metropolitan and nonmetro areas.

...Center for Health Statistics Tagged as Food security and nutrition · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data...

577. Altering the School Breakfast Environment Reduces Barriers to School Breakfast Participation Among Diverse Rural Youth - Resources
Date: Jan 2018

Analyzes data from the BreakFAST study to examine if changing school breakfast policies and environments impacts students' beliefs on the barriers and benefits of eating breakfast in rural high schools in Minnesota.

...Date 01/2018 Type Document Tagged as Children and youth · Food security and nutrition · Schools · Minnesota...

578. Improvements and Disparities in Types of Foods and Milk Beverages Offered in Elementary School Lunches, 2006-2007 to 2013-2014 - Resources
Date: Mar 2016

Evaluates changes and disparities in school lunch characteristics, using data from 4,630 public schools. Features breakdowns by urban, suburban, town, or rural locale.

...Tagged as Children and youth · Food security and nutrition · Rural-urban differences · Schools · Statistics and data...

579. A Low-Cost, Grab-and-Go Breakfast Intervention for Rural High School Students: Changes in School Breakfast Program Participation Among At-Risk Students in Minnesota - Resources
Date: Feb 2019

Evaluates results from a low-cost, grab-and-go breakfast intervention implemented in 8 Minnesota high schools to increase breakfast consumption among rural adolescents. Includes data analyzing relationships between U.S. Department of Agriculture School Breakfast Program (SBP) participation before and during the intervention and student characteristics, such as eligibility for free/reduced-price school meals and race/ethnicity.

...Food security and nutrition · Racial and ethnic groups · Rural-urban differences · Schools · Statistics and data...

580. The Availability of Competitive Foods and Beverages to Middle School Students in Appalachian Virginia Before Implementation of the 2014 Smart Snacks in School Standards - Resources
Date: Sep 2015

Examines nutritional quality of foods and beverages available in 8 rural Virginia middle schools. Includes statistics with breakdowns by number of foods and beverages offered, number that were compliant with USDA National School Lunch Program standards, percentage of students eligible for free and reduced-price lunches, and percentages of components such as sugar, fat, and sodium in available foods.

...foods. Author(s) Georgianna Mann, Vivica Kraak, Elena Serrano Citation Preventing Chronic Disease, 12 Date 09/2015 Type Document Tagged as Appalachia · Children and youth · Food security...