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Resources Search Results for: hispanic

385 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 31 - 40:

31. Diabetes & Hypertension among Rural Hispanics: Disparities in Diagnostics and Disease Management
Date: Aug 2004

Reports findings from a project that examined the association of Hispanic ethnicity and rural residence on diagnosis of diabetes and hypertension, poor medical control among those known to have these conditions, and likelihood of having undiagnosed diabetes or hypertension.

...Hispanics: Disparities in Diagnostics and Disease Management --- Reports findings from a project that examined the association...

32. Cultural Norms in Conflict: Breastfeeding Among Hispanic Immigrants in Rural Washington State
Date: Jul 2016

Examines breastfeeding perceptions, experiences, and attitudes among 20 Hispanic women ages 25-48. Features demographics and statistics on country of birth, employment, marital status, education, income, and infant feeding practices,

...Hispanic Immigrants in Rural Washington State --- Examines breastfeeding perceptions, experiences, and attitudes among 20 Hispanic...

33. Trends in Non‐Hispanic White Mortality in the United States by Metropolitan‐Nonmetropolitan Status and Region, 1990–2016
Date: Jun 2019

Explores mortality trends among non-Hispanic White people in rural versus urban communities. Breaks down data by sex, large central metro, large metro suburb, small/medium metro, and nonmetro areas.

...Hispanic White Mortality in the United States by Metropolitan‐Nonmetropolitan Status and Region, 1990–2016 --- Explores...

34. First Trimester Prenatal Care Initiation Among Hispanic Women Along the U.S.-Mexico Border
Date: Dec 2017

Reports on a study to determine what factors, including barriers, influence pregnant and parenting Hispanic women from counties within the U.S.-Mexico border region to seek first trimester prenatal care – care associated with improved birth outcomes.

...Hispanic Women Along the U.S.-Mexico Border --- Reports on a study to determine what factors...

35. Relationships of Race and Socioeconomic Status to Postpartum Depressive Symptoms in Rural African American and Non-Hispanic White Women
Date: Sep 2013

Highlights a study of postpartum depression (PPD) in rural women from eastern North Carolina and the potential role of race in the severity of symptoms. Focuses specifically on the experiences of rural African American and non-Hispanic White women. Controls for subjective socioeconomic status.

...Hispanic White Women --- Highlights a study of postpartum depression (PPD) in rural women from eastern...

36. Incidence of Screening-Detectable Cancers among Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native Populations 2014–2018 (Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Areas)
Date: Nov 2021

Data brief examining the incidence of screening-detectable cancers, including colorectal, lung, female breast, and cervical, among the non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native population as a whole and by sex from 2014 to 2018. Includes a regional analysis of incidence rates for screening-detectable cancers.

...Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native Populations 2014–2018 (Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Areas) --- Data brief...

37. Evaluating Vaccination Coverage and Timeliness in American Indian/Alaska Native and Non-Hispanic White Children Using State Immunization Information System Data, 2015–2017
Date: Jun 2022

Explores the rates of vaccination coverage and timeliness among American Indian and Alaska Native children in Montana. Compares rates with non-Hispanic White children. Breaks down data by vaccines given, doses received, and time of vaccinations, among other measures.

...Hispanic White Children Using State Immunization Information System Data, 2015–2017 --- Explores the rates of vaccination...

38. Infant Mortality Rates in Rural and Urban Areas in the United States, 2014
Date: Sep 2017

Reports on infant mortality in 2014 among rural, small and medium urban, and large urban counties. Includes data by infant age at death for neonatal (0-27 days) and postneonatal (28-364 days) deaths. Provides infant mortality data by mother's age and by mother's race for non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, and Hispanic mothers.

...Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, and Hispanic mothers. --- View more Infant Mortality Rates in Rural...

39. Disparities in Years of Potential Life Lost Among Racial and Ethnic Groups in Washington State
Date: Sep 2022

Explores rates of premature mortality among racial and ethnic minorities in Washington State. Compares rates of potential life lost for people of non-Hispanic Black, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and multiracial groups to the rates of the non-Hispanic White population. Highlights rurality as a factor as well.

...Hispanic Black, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and multiracial groups to the rates...

40. The United States Is Becoming More Racially Diverse – And so Is Rural America
Date: Sep 2021

Analyzes initial data from the 2020 Census on race and ethnicity in rural America. Compares changes in race and ethnicity in rural areas between 2000 through 2020. Offers maps of the top two most prevalent race or ethnicity groups by county in 2020. Includes 6 other maps showing county-level population data in 2010 and 2020 for the following: White non-Hispanic, Hispanic, Black, Native American, Asian, and multi-race populations.

...Hispanic, Hispanic, Black, Native American, Asian, and multi-race populations. --- View more The United States...