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Resources Search Results for: community health workers

198 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 31 - 40:

31. Using Community Health Workers and Volunteers to Reach Complex Needs Populations
Date: Apr 2017

A recorded webinar that discusses how to integrate community health workers (CHWs) and volunteers into the healthcare system to care for complex patients in hard-to-reach areas. Includes a case study from rural Montana about collaborating with volunteers to help socially isolated patients access community resources and social services. resources and social services. Date 04/2017 Type Video/Multimedia Organization Center for Health Care Strategies Tagged as Access · Community engagement and volunteerism · Community health workers...

32. PubMed Search: Community Health Workers and Rural Health
Reviewed: Jul 2023

Searches PubMed's collection of journal article citations on the topics of community health workers and rural health. health workers and rural health. --- View more PubMed Search: Community Health Workers and Rural...

33. Community Health Worker Roles and Responsibilities in Rural and Urban America
Date: Nov 2019

Results of a study to explore community health worker (CHW) roles and responsibilities, the growing professionalization of the field, and interactions between CHWs and other healthcare providers. Uses data obtained from focus groups conducted in Florida, Minnesota, California, and Massachusetts. Provides an in-depth look at the differences between CHW work in rural and urban areas, and offers insights to support continued growth of the field.

...Health Research Center Tagged as Care coordination · Community health workers · Rural-urban differences · Social determinants...

34. Community Health Worker (CHW) Certification and Training: A National Survey of Regionally and State-Based Programs
Date: May 2005

Provides a national overview of state policy and state involvement in more formal training and certification of community health workers. Analyzes the potential effects of these policy trends. health workers. Analyzes the potential effects of these policy trends. --- View more Community Health...

35. Assessing Social Needs and Engaging Community Health Workers in Underserved Kansas Counties: Insights From Primary Care Providers and Clinic Managers
Date: Dec 2023

Details a study exploring how rural and underserved urban communities in Kansas are screening for social determinants of health and using community health workers to address challenges. Bases findings on surveys of providers and clinic managers.

...Community Health, 14 Date 12/2023 Type Document Tagged as Clinics · Community health workers · Health screening...

36. Williamson Health and Wellness Center (WHWC): Community Health Worker Care Coordination Program, West Virginia
Date: 2019

Brief overview of a care coordination program using a team of community health workers, a registered nurse, and a nurse practitioner. Discusses the program's sustainability efforts, as well as key takeaways about the program. The program was funded under the Rural Health Care Coordination Network Partnership Grant Program from 2015-2018 and received additional philanthropic funding through a public-private partnership.

...Health Care Coordination Network Partnership Grant Program from 2015-2018 and received additional philanthropic funding through a public-private partnership. --- View more Williamson Health and Wellness Center (WHWC): Community Health Worker...

37. Advancing Health Equity Through Community Health Workers and Peer Providers: Mounting Evidence and Policy Recommendations
Date: Nov 2019

Reviews the results from 9 studies funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute supporting the inclusion of community health workers (CHWs) and peer providers (PPs) as effective participants in addressing health and healthcare inequities, particularly for diverse communities. Each study presented focuses on a distinct function of utilizing CHWs and/or PPS such as mentoring, managing chronic conditions, and navigator support for serious mental illness and depression. Discusses why payers and providers should include CHWs and PPS in a variety of capacities to improve outcomes, add value to care, and control costs.

...Community health workers · Health conditions · Healthcare quality · Hispanic or Latino · Mental health · Mental health conditions...

38. Maryland Community Health Worker and Employer Surveys: Analysis and Report, With a Focus on Rural Maryland
Date: Jun 2022

Examines the Maryland landscape of community health workers (CHWs) and the organizations that employ them; identifies barriers and facilitators to incorporating the CHW skillset into patient-centered healthcare models; and determines the impact of CHWs on access to healthcare and use of preventive health services by the people they serve. Features statistics including demographics, services provided, funding sources, and type of employer, with breakdowns by urban or rural area.

...Health Tagged as Access · Community health workers · Funding · Health workforce supply and demand · Rural-urban...

39. Community Health Worker Intervention Improves Early Childhood Vaccination Rates: Results from a Propensity-Score Matching Evaluation
Date: Oct 2022

Examines the effectiveness of community health worker (CHW) home visiting interventions in the Health Start Program (HSP) in Arizona to improve childhood vaccination rates. Utilizes the Arizona State Immunization Information System (ASIIS) database to compare vaccination uptake among children whose mothers participated in the HSP between 2006 and 2016 to a demographically similar cohort. Analyzes vulnerable populations with a history of low vaccination uptake including Hispanic/Latinx, American Indian, children of low socioeconomic status and/or living with parents with less than a high school education, rural border counties, children with teen mothers, and first-born children. health worker (CHW) home visiting interventions in the Health Start Program (HSP) in Arizona...

40. ROI Toolkit: A Guide for Conducting a Return on Investment Analysis of Your Community Health Worker Health Program
Date: 2016

A step-by-step guide to help healthcare organizations learn and understand the key elements for conducting a return on investment analysis for their community health worker (CHW) program. Requires free login to access.

...Community Health Worker Health Program --- A step-by-step guide to help healthcare organizations learn...