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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: community health workers

817 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 361 - 370:

361. Models Addressing Perinatal Health - RHIhub Rural Maternal Health Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: May 17, 2021

Models of providing perinatal health services in rural communities in the U.S. nurses or community health workers provide families with information, support, and access to early...

362. MedServe North Carolina Fellowships in Primary Care Medicine - Funding
Deadline: Feb 15, 2024

A 2-year, full-time, post-college community service fellowship in rural and other underserved community primary care sites in North Carolina.

...Community health worker Health coach Quality improvement specialist Population health specialist In additional to the experiential...

363. 'A Safe Place': Rural HIV Patients and Providers Fight Stigma, Isolation Through Connection - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jun 28, 2023

New HIV infections are on the decline in the U.S. — but in some rural areas, lingering stigma and misunderstanding still stand as barriers to the prevention and treatment of the virus. - The Rural Monitor health workers, or in another role. "There's a saying that the people who should...

364. Evaluation Strategies and Considerations for Rural Chronic Disease Management Programs - Toolkits
Added: Jun 14, 2024

Learn about strategies and considerations for evaluating a rural chronic disease management program. health workers to understand facilitators and barriers to improving chronic disease management among the patient...

365. Barriers to Improving Rural Maternal Health - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: May 17, 2021

Identifies barriers to maternal health in rural communities.

...communities is provided by specialty providers, family physicians, advanced practice nurses, nurses, certified nurse midwives, community health workers...

366. Columbia Gorge Collective Impact Health Specialist - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Jul 30, 2024

The Collective Impact Health Specialist helps the Columbia Gorge region of Oregon and Washington identify health needs, convene community partners to design responsive initiatives, and secure funding for these initiatives. health workers (CHWs), and secured $32.2 million so far. Some highlights include: The region...

367. Strengthening the Safety Net: Improving Access to High Quality Health Care in Michigan - Funding
Deadline: Jun 3, 2024

Grants to support clinics providing free medical, dental, and/or mental healthcare for uninsured and underinsured residents of Michigan. health workers, when possible, to improve health outcomes and advance health equity Provide integrated...

368. Using Inclusive, Non-Stigmatizing Language to Better Communicate about Health Equity - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Oct 13, 2022

Provides examples of language that promote inclusion and decrease bias toward populations that experience inequities.

...communities should consider different strategies to translate materials and communications into languages spoken by communities that experience inequities. These include translation and testing by members of the community, like community health workers...

369. Care Coordination Models - Rural Services Integration Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Jun 21, 2018

Information on several care coordination models including examples, implementation considerations and resources to learn more.

...Community HUB Model : Creates a central registry of at-risk individuals for a network of care coordination agencies. Community Health Worker...

370. Strengthening the Entry-Level Health Care Workforce: Finding a Path - Resources
Date: Dec 2020

Examines gaps in the existing healthcare workforce, challenges facing entry-level healthcare workers (EHCW), current EHCW training programs and contexts where training programs are used effectively, and strategies and policy opportunities to strengthen the EHCW. Includes rural references throughout and case studies for programs in rural Alaska and Washington. Provides an interactive inventory of existing policies and programs that support EHCW training, recruitment, and retention. · Behavioral health workforce · Community health workers · Dental workforce · Health aides and assistants · Health workforce...