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Resources Search Results for: Food Security

761 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 291 - 300:

291. Longitudinal Analysis of Neighborhood Food Environment and Diabetes Risk in the Veterans Administration Diabetes Risk Cohort
Date: Oct 2021

Results of a study examining the association between neighborhood food environment and risk of type 2 diabetes across communities, with breakdowns by high-density urban, low-density urban, suburban, and rural locations. Features statistics including characteristics of the diabetes risk cohort, and incidence of type 2 diabetes by demographic characteristics, overall and by community type.

...Date 10/2021 Type Document Tagged as Access · Diabetes · Food security and nutrition · Health disparities · Veterans...

292. COVID-19: Additional Actions Needed to Improve Accountability and Program Effectiveness of Federal Response
Date: Oct 2021

Discusses the federal government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Provides an overview of federal actions on healthcare and economic policy areas through September 2021, including data on COVID-19 relief spending, testing, worker health and safety, and child nutrition programs. Offers 16 new recommendations to federal agencies regarding the proper use of relief funding, occupational health and safety, and fraud risks to unemployment insurance programs that would improve the federal response and preparation for future public health emergencies.

...Food security and nutrition · Funding · Income support and assistance · Occupational health and safety · Policy · Statistics...

293. Closing the Opportunity Gap for Young Children
Date: 2023

Discusses the factors that cause inequities and limited access to resources for young children, such as poverty, food insecurity, abuse and violence, lack of social and emotional safety, inadequate healthcare and schooling, and more. Discusses policy and practices aimed at reducing opportunity gaps, with a focus on historically disadvantaged populations, including those in rural areas.

...Food security and nutrition · Health disparities · Mental health · Policy · Poverty · Schools · Social determinants of health...

294. Shaping Summertime Experiences: Opportunities to Promote Healthy Development and Well-Being for Children and Youth
Date: 2019

Examines the impact of summertime experiences on school-age children and youth related to academic learning, social and emotional development, physical and mental health, and health-promoting and safety behaviors. Includes discussion of rural residence and its impact on children's access to supportive services, including food programs, during the summer.

...Tagged as Access · Children and youth · Food security and nutrition · Population health · Rural-urban differences...

295. Parents of Young Children are Concerned about Access to Food
Date: Jul 2024

Presents results of a March 2023 survey on material hardship, including food access, among families with young children. Includes data on rural families' access to supermarkets and likelihood of being low income.

...Childhood Tagged as Children and youth · Families · Food security and nutrition · Poverty · Statistics and data...

296. Sociocultural Construction of Food Ways in Low-Income Mexican-American Women with Diabetes: A Qualitative Study
Date: Aug 2016

Explores successful type 2 diabetes management practices of low-income Hispanic women residing in a rural community on the Texas-Mexico border in a sociocultural context, specifically looking at foodways. Foodways are the cultural, social, and economic practices relating to the production and consumption of food. Author(s) Sandra Benavides-Vaello, Sharon A. Brown Citation Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(15-16), 2367-2377 Date 08/2016 Type Document Tagged as Chronic disease management · Culture and cultural competency · Diabetes · Food security...

297. Reach for More: Healthier Beverage Vending for Government Agencies in Rural Settings
Date: Aug 2014

Provides an overview of obesity rates in rural California counties and discusses how ensuring access to affordable, healthy beverages is an obesity prevention strategy. Discusses the steps and relationships to help establish policies to decrease sugary beverages sold in vending machines in public places.

...Food security and nutrition · Obesity and weight control · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention · California...

298. North Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): Calendar Year 2022 Results
Added: Jan 2024

Provides survey data on health behaviors and health status in North Carolina for the year 2022. Covers access to care, wellness, nutrition, chronic conditions, tobacco use, cancer screening and survivorship, COVID-19, disability, race and ethnicity, and more. Includes breakdowns by urban/suburban/rural county.

...Food security and nutrition · Health screening · People with disabilities · Population health · Racial and ethnic groups...

299. Addressing the Long-Term Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Families
Date: Mar 2023

Report discusses the long-term physical, mental, and social outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic. Explores the effects of social isolation, school closures, financial hardships, and physical illness caused by the pandemic and highlights the groups that have been disproportionately affected, such as American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

...COVID-19 · Food security and nutrition · Infectious diseases · Poverty · Schools · Social connectedness · Statistics and data · Vaccination...

300. Obesity and Diabetes in the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska: From Community Engagement to Action, 2014-2019
Date: Aug 2019

Describes interventions implemented on the Winnebago Tribe reservation in rural Nebraska and Iowa, focusing on community-selected and culturally adapted policies, systems, and environmental improvements to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes. Strategies include infant and childhood obesity prevention education, promotion of healthy foods and beverages, and improvements to pedestrian safety and built environment.

...Food security and nutrition · Health screening · Infrastructure · Obesity and weight control · Public health · Wellness, health...