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Rural Health Information Hub

Body Mass Index Category Moderates the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Diet Quality in Overweight and Obese Rural-Dwelling Adults.

Examines questionnaire responses from adults in rural Kentucky to determine whether overall diet quality varies according to body mass index (BMI) category and presence of depressive symptoms in people with or at increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Contains data comparing healthy eating habits among depressed and non-depressed individuals who are overweight or obese, including breakdowns by age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital status, education, comorbidities, and other characteristics.
Demetrius Abshire, Terry Lennie, Misook Chung, et al.
Journal of Rural Health, 34(4), 377-387
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Food security and nutrition · Mental health conditions · Obesity and weight control · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data · Kentucky