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Resources Search Results for: Food Security

761 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 251 - 260:

251. Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: Assessing the Rural Food Environment, Part 1
Date: Jul 2013

Describes a consumer food environment in rural eastern North Carolina to guide planning and implementation of a Communities Putting Prevention to Work initiative to open a health corner store. Discusses lessons learned and provides nutrition environment comparison data for a rural food desert store versus urban nonfood desert store.

...engagement and volunteerism · Food security and nutrition · Research methods and resources · Rural-urban differences · North Carolina...

252. Community-Wide Efforts to Improve the Consumer Food Environment and Physical Activity Resources in Rural Kentucky
Date: Jan 2019

Highlights the efforts of a community project in Kentucky to increase access to healthy foods and opportunities to be physically active. Details the project's work with grocery store managers to increase the availability of healthy food and with community members to develop and improve physical activity resources.

...engagement and volunteerism · Food security and nutrition · Physical activity · Public health · Statistics and data · Kentucky...

253. Nutrition Assistance Programs: Agencies Could Do More to Help Address the Nutritional Needs of Older Adults
Date: Nov 2019

Report focuses on the shortcomings of the federal nutrition guidelines in meeting the nutritional needs of older adults. Bases recommendations on interviews with older adults in both rural and urban areas. · Elderly population · Food security and nutrition · Public health · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention...

254. Hawai'i Health Matters
Reviewed: Apr 2024

Provides state and county-level information on health indicators for Hawaii, along with promising practices and data reporting tools. Covers demographics, chronic disease, healthcare access, maternal and child health, behavioral health, exercise and nutrition, and more.

...Children and youth · County-by-county data · Food security and nutrition · Health conditions · Population health · Hawaii...

255. Patterns of Food Insecurity, Food Availability, and Health Outcomes Among Rural and Urban Counties
Date: Jun 2010

Compares food insecurity for rural versus urban counties and addresses factors contributing to food insecurity risk, as well as associated health outcomes.

...Health Research Center Tagged as Food security and nutrition · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data...

256. Tribal Nursing Home Best Practices: Traditional Foods
Date: Dec 2016

Presents a guide for tribal nursing homes to develop a traditional food menu for elderly American Indians and Alaska Natives. Discusses the health benefits of traditional foods and the methods for involving elders and the community in the planning and implementing of traditional food menus. Features organizations, case studies, and webinars, among other resources. · American Indian or Alaska Native · Elderly population · Food security and nutrition · Long-term care...

257. Food Access and Food Delivery Service: An Exploratory Study for the Role of Public Transportation During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020-2021
Date: May 2022

Explores public transportation services that offered food delivery services before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Reports on surveys completed by 392 transit agencies in December 2020 and 63 transit agencies in June 2021 about their role related to increasing food access in their communities. Includes discussions about food insecurity in rural and tribal areas and mitigating transportation strategies.

...Plains Transportation Institute Tagged as COVID-19 · Food security and nutrition · Statistics and data · Transportation...

258. Ohio 2023 Early Childhood Dashboard
Date: Jan 2023

Provides an overview of early childhood health outcomes and overall wellness in Ohio. Covers issues such as birth outcomes, young child health, maternal health, school readiness, healthcare access and quality, economic stability, food insecurity, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), housing, and more. Includes family profiles and data with comparisons of Ohio's metrics versus the U.S. at large, as well as select data broken down by county, race/ethnicity, and rural versus urban.

...Food security and nutrition · Healthcare quality · Housing and homelessness · Human services · Maternal health and prenatal...

259. Leveraging Medicaid to Support Housing and Nutrition in Ohio
Date: Sep 2024

Describes the Ohio Medicaid program and the federal Medicaid health-related social needs (HRSN) framework. Discusses how Medicaid coverage in Ohio can cover aspects of housing and nutrition needs as of 2023. Includes county-level map depicting percent of income spent on housing in Ohio as well as examples of programs addressing HRSNs in rural areas.

...Food security and nutrition · Housing and homelessness · Legislation and regulations · Medicaid · Social determinants of health...

260. Going the Extra Mile: Overcoming Transportation Challenges and Other Barriers to Nourishing Food in Rural Communities
Date: May 2022

A recorded webinar that discusses food access issues in rural communities and solutions to overcome barriers. Focuses on challenges of transportation, limited income, and staffing, while also providing success stories that describe food banks, mobile feeding buses, farmers markets, and more. banks, mobile feeding buses, farmers markets, and more. Author(s) Peggy Hamby, Alicia Linares, Yolanda Minor Date 05/2022 Type Video/Multimedia Organization No Kid Hungry Tagged as Access · Food security...