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Rural Health Information Hub

Resources Search Results for: diabetes

332 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 121 - 130:

121. Elements of Successful Rural Diabetes Management Programs
Date: 2006

Discusses innovations implemented by rural chronic disease management programs, with a focus on diabetes management as a proxy for all chronic diseases. Explored how local innovations overcame challenges of the rural setting in order to provide effective and efficient disease management.

...Diabetes Management Programs --- Discusses innovations implemented by rural chronic disease management programs, with a focus...

122. Diabetes Risk Factors and Rurality
Reviewed: Sep 2024

Offers analysis of diabetes rate data by age, uninsured status, access to primary care, child poverty, and high school diploma. Includes interactive data visualizations comparing metro and nonmetro differences at the county level. Offers a video tutorial for interacting with the data.

...Diabetes Risk Factors and Rurality --- Offers analysis of diabetes rate data by age, uninsured status...

123. Challenges to Care of Patients with Diabetes in Rural, Underserved Areas
Date: Oct 2023

Discussion of providing care to diabetes patients in rural areas. Includes information on demographics, barriers to care, and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs).

...Diabetes in Rural, Underserved Areas --- Discussion of providing care to diabetes patients in rural areas...

124. Identification of Barriers, Facilitators and System-Based Implementation Strategies to Increase Teleophthalmology Use for Diabetic Eye Screening in a Rural US Primary Care Clinic: A Qualitative Study
Date: 2019

Examines transcripts from interviews with patients and providers at a rural primary care clinic to determine factors that either promote or prevent teleopthalmology use for diabetic eye screening.

...Diabetic Eye Screening in a Rural US Primary Care Clinic: A Qualitative Study --- Examines transcripts...

125. Missing the Handoff: Post-Hospitalization Follow-up Care Among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries With Diabetes
Date: Jul 2012

Presents findings of an analysis of urban – rural differences in 30 day post-discharge physician follow-up care for people with diabetes.

...Diabetes --- Presents findings of an analysis of urban – rural differences in 30 day post-discharge...

126. Obesity and Diabetes in the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska: From Community Engagement to Action, 2014-2019
Date: Aug 2019

Describes interventions implemented on the Winnebago Tribe reservation in rural Nebraska and Iowa, focusing on community-selected and culturally adapted policies, systems, and environmental improvements to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes. Strategies include infant and childhood obesity prevention education, promotion of healthy foods and beverages, and improvements to pedestrian safety and built environment.

...Diabetes in the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska: From Community Engagement to Action, 2014-2019 --- Describes...

127. Sources of Stress among Midwest American Indian Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Date: 2019

Highlights a study on the stressors in the lives of American Indians with type 2 diabetes. Presents conclusions drawn from focus groups among 5 tribes in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Details the stressors and discusses the role they play in the participants' lives.

...Diabetes --- Highlights a study on the stressors in the lives of American Indians with type...

128. A Qualitative Process Evaluation of a Diabetes Navigation Program Embedded in an Endocrine Specialty Center in Rural Appalachian Ohio
Date: 2018

Describes an evaluation of a diabetes navigation program, a patient program at an endocrine specialty center in rural Appalachian Ohio. Examines program implementation and discusses the experiences of employees working at the specialty center, including navigators, providers, health administrators, and office staff.

...Diabetes Navigation Program Embedded in an Endocrine Specialty Center in Rural Appalachian Ohio --- Describes an evaluation...

129. Diabetes-Related Inpatient Stays, 2018
Date: Jul 2021

Brief examining nonmaternal inpatient stays related to type 1 and type 2 diabetes based on 2018 National Inpatient Sample (NIS) data. Presents distribution of inpatient stays by age, gender, insurance status, income, race and ethnicity, and metro and rural location.

...Diabetes-Related Inpatient Stays, 2018 --- Brief examining nonmaternal inpatient stays related to type 1 and type...

130. Examining Protective and Buffering Associations Between Sociocultural Factors and Adverse Childhood Experiences among American Indian Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Quantitative, Community-based Participatory Research Approach
Date: 2018

Presents a study on the possible correlations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in American Indians and Alaska Natives. Breaks down data by age, gender, and social support, among other factors.

...Diabetes: A Quantitative, Community-based Participatory Research Approach --- Presents a study on the possible correlations...