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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor
Articles by Topic: Healthcare needs and services

Animals Help People Heal in Rural Areas

December 14, 2016
Rural programs across the country rely on service or therapy animals to help people with mobility, motor skills, and mood. Come meet the service dogs of Hawaii, the therapeutic riding horses of Wyoming, and the therapy pig and tortoise who call a skilled nursing facility home in Florida.

Freestanding Emergency Departments: An Alternative Model for Rural Communities

November 30, 2016
First conceptualized in the 1970s, but not widely adopted in rural communities, freestanding emergency departments (FSEDs) have been getting another look as a sustainable rural option. This article discusses hospital-based versus independent FSEDs, the model's financial viability, and highlights two FSEDs meeting their communities' healthcare needs in Arizona and Illinois.

Pennsylvania Mobile Team Addresses Substance Use Disorders

November 16, 2016
In Pennsylvania, more people are dying from drug overdose than from car accidents. The FORHP-funded Addiction Recovery Mobile Outreach Team (ARMOT) program works to educate medical staff on addiction and recovery and to support patients as they navigate the recovery process.

Bringing Law and Medicine Together to Help Rural Patients

October 19, 2016
Much of a person's health is determined by social and environmental factors such as housing or access to healthcare. When these factors negatively affect a person's health, legal intervention combined with medical care may be the best treatment.

EMS Leaders Speak

September 7, 2016
With the recent changes in healthcare delivery, many rural clinics and hospitals are concerned about the future of their communities' healthcare, especially their emergency medical services. Will EMS in rural areas survive these changes, and is there an opportunity to thrive in a volume-to-value system? We asked five rural EMS leaders to explore the possible challenges and opportunities in the transformation of rural healthcare delivery.

Expecting More Services for Less Compensation

September 7, 2016
Diane Calmus, Government Affairs and Policy Manager at the National Rural Health Association, explores the need for a new hospital model to help rural communities gain and maintain access to emergency medical services.

Being Forward-Thinking as EMS Agencies Plan for the Future

September 7, 2016
Don Wood, Director of the Utah Office of Primary Care and Rural Health and Co-chair of the Joint Committee on Rural EMS Care (JCREC), discusses the effects of hospital closures on rural EMS and the role telehealth might play in the future delivery of emergency care.

Opportunities to Provide Better Healthcare and Better Value

September 7, 2016
Tom Nerhing, Co-chair of the Joint Committee on Rural EMS Care (JCREC) and Division Director at the North Dakota Department of Health, Division of EMS and Trauma, shares how the changes in healthcare delivery can be an opportunity for emergency medical services to provide an even greater service to rural communities.