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Rural Health Information Hub

Sep 07, 2016

EMS Leaders Speak

ambulanceby Allee Mead

There have been many recent changes in healthcare delivery, some by design and some as unintended consequences of a changing economy and government policies. Such shifts, as well as the anticipation of others that are looming, have placed burdens on many rural regions' healthcare systems, and emergency medical services are no exception.

With these challenges come potential opportunities. Our panel – made up of state, regional, and national EMS experts – discusses potential problems, along with opportunities such as community paramedicine and telehealth, as they explore answers to this question:

"What do the recent changes to – and the transformation of – rural healthcare delivery mean for EMS access?"

Out on the Spokes: Mitigating the Impact of Rural Healthcare Transformation
by Kevin McGinnis, Program Manager, National Association of State EMS Officials

Expecting More Services for Less Compensation
by Diane Calmus, Government Affairs and Policy Manager, National Rural Health Association

Being Forward-Thinking as EMS Agencies Plan for the Future
by Don Wood, Co-chair of the Joint Committee on Rural EMS Care (JCREC) and Director of the Utah Office of Primary Care and Rural Health

Opportunities to Provide Better Healthcare and Better Value
by Tom Nehring, Co-chair of the JCREC and Division Director at the North Dakota Department of Health, Division of EMS and Trauma

Filling Gaps and Avoiding Duplication: Community Paramedics and Ambulance Services
by Gary Wingrove, President of The Paramedic Foundation

This article was posted in Features and tagged Emergency medical services · Policy
Allee Mead
About Allee Mead

Allee Mead is a web writer for the Rural Health Information Hub. She has written on important rural issues, including maternal mortality and farmers' mental health, and has presented nationally on RHIhub's opioid resources. Originally from rural North Dakota, she has a master's degree in English. Full Biography

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