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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor
Articles by Topic: Clinics

Rural Community Health Worker Programs: Proving Value and Finding Sustainability

July 24, 2024
For decades, community health workers (CHWs) provided their services outside usual healthcare reimbursement models. In recent years, with research supporting CHWs as professionals effectively assisting patients with navigating health-related social determinants, federal and private payers are exploring reimbursement mechanisms. Four rural healthcare organizations share both the impact and the continued sustainability challenges — and successes — of their CHW programs.

Strategic Collaboration: The Key to Moving Rural Healthcare Forward

March 27, 2024
Strategic collaboration allows rural organizations to combine resources and expertise to improve care and patient outcomes. Southern Illinois Healthcare, the Iowa Primary Care Association, and Minnesota's Winona Community HUB share how strategic collaboration has helped them conduct community health needs assessments, provide technical assistance to community health centers, connect patients to food and housing, and much more.

RPHWTN Grantees Help Rural Healthcare Facilities Keep Local Talent

August 23, 2023
The FORHP Rural Public Health Workforce Training Network works to expand public health capacity in rural and tribal areas through job development, training, and placement. Three grantees — a career ladder program in Missouri, a respiratory therapy program in Texas, and a health IT program in Virginia — share stories of changing individuals' lives as well as keeping local talent in their healthcare facilities and communities.

Rural Health Clinic Program at 45 Years: Created for Access and Still Delivering Care

October 26, 2022
After a 1965 public law created the Medicare and Medicaid programs, many rural residents insured by these government health programs were unable to access care. This challenge was remedied by another public law: the Rural Health Clinic Services Act of 1977. Using a historical framework, rural health policy experts, researchers, and clinicians reviewed the Act's impact on outpatient healthcare delivery in rural America.

A Career of Influencing Rural Healthcare Delivery: Bill Finerfrock and the NARHC Origin Story

October 26, 2022
Over 5,200 rural organizations participate in the Rural Health Clinics program, a reimbursement model dedicated to rural low-volume healthcare delivery and now in its 45th year. The National Association of Rural Health Clinics — in its 30th year — is a membership organization that emerged as the program increased its participants. Bill Finerfrock, association cofounder and its recently retired executive director, shared the group's origin story as well as touchpoints from his own career.

Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation: Taking a Leadership Role and Building Trust

January 20, 2021
Kim Barber Tieman, program director for health and human services for the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, shares how her foundation set up a COVID-19 grant capture team and funded grant writers to help organizations navigate and apply for federal funding opportunities. In addition, her foundation worked with organizations and funded three mobile COVID testing units to better reach communities of color.