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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Distribution of U.S. Health Care Providers Residing in Rural and Urban Areas
Presents the supply and distribution of practitioners in 32 health occupations across urban and rural areas, from 2008-2010, based on their place of residence. Includes statistics with breakdowns by rural or urban location.
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
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The Supplemental Poverty Measure: 2013
Provides estimates of poverty for the official poverty measure and the supplemental poverty measure, which takes into account government programs that support low-income families. Tables 2 and 6 provide data for metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas.
Author(s): Kathleen Short
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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Differences in Case-Mix Between Rural and Urban Recipients of Home Health Care
Provides a description of the health status and service needs of rural and urban Medicare home health patients based on a professional assessment of their condition at the start of care.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Janice C. Probst, Grishma P. Bhavsar
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Geographic Variation in Plan Uptake in the Federally Facilitated Marketplace
Combines data on health insurance plan selection in the federally facilitated marketplaces with estimates of people likely to qualify for the marketplace in order to calculate the percent of eligible people who chose a health insurance plan. Includes a heat map that illustrates which U.S. regions had the highest and lowest plan selection rates. Discusses differences for rural areas.
Author(s): Mark Holmes, Pam Silberman, Kristie Thompson, Victoria Freeman, Randy K. Randolph
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Translating and Testing the ENABLE: CHF-PC Concurrent Palliative Care Model for Older Adults with Heart Failure and Their Family Caregivers
Reports on an evaluation study to determine the feasibility and satisfaction of converting a cancer-focused concurrent palliative care (PC) intervention into early PC for rural patients with a diagnosis of heart failure.
Author(s): J. Nicholas Dionne-Odom, Alan Kono, Jennifer Frost, et al.
Citation: Journal of Palliative Medicine, 17(9), 995-1004
Date: 09/2014
Type: Document
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Assessing Environmental Support for Better Health: Active Living Opportunity Audits in Rural Communities in the Southern United States
Describes the built environment, policies, and availability of facilities for physical activity in eight rural communities, four in Alabama and four in the Mississippi Delta, to inform diet and physical activity interventions. Acts as part of a partnership to eliminate cancer health disparities in the Deep South. Includes community data by Rural Active Living Assessment (RALA) measures, such as sidewalks, destinations, and walk-ability.
Author(s): Jennifer C. Robinson, Tiffany L. Carson, Erica R. Johnson, et al.
Citation: Preventive Medicine, 66, 28-33
Date: 09/2014
Type: Document
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The Associations Between Park Environments and Park Use in Southern US Communities
Examines park use, characteristics associated with parks and neighborhood environments in rural communities, and the relationship between park characteristics and park use. Includes data for 6 parks by demographics and park environment characteristics, such as park amenities or percent rural population.
Author(s): Jorge A. Banda, Sara Wilcox, Natalie Colabianchi, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 30(4), 369-378
Date: 09/2014
Type: Document
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Healthy Alaskans 2020 Health Assessment: Understanding the Health of Alaskans
Provides an overview of the statewide health assessment data used to inform the Healthy Alaskans 2020 initiative, and explains the selection and target-setting process for the 25 included leading health indicators. Addresses mortality rates, chronic disease incidence, healthcare access, disparities, and social determinants of health.
Date: 09/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Alaska Department of Health, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
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Home Food and Activity Assessment: Development and Validation of an Instrument for Diverse Families of Young Children
Outlines and tests an assessment tool that measures the home food and activity environments of geographically and economically diverse families of preschool aged children in rural Colorado.
Author(s): Richard E. Boles, Alexandra Burdell, Susan L. Johnson, et al.
Citation: Appetite, 80, 23-27
Date: 09/2014
Type: Document
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Perceived Correlates of Domain-Specific Physical Activity in Rural Adults in the Midwest
Examines the levels of physical activity of rural adults in southeastern Iowa in various environments and the barriers to being active. The study uses the Kaiser Physical Activity Survey to record the rates of exercise in the domains of home care, work, active living, and sport.
Author(s): Matthew Chrisman, Faryle Nothwehr, Jingzen Yang, Jacob Oleson
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 30(4), 352-358
Date: 09/2014
Type: Document
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