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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Health Insurance Marketplaces: Early Findings on Changes in Plan Availability and Premiums in Rural Places, 2014-2015
Assesses changes in the Health Insurance Marketplaces from 2014 to 2015 concerning health insurance plans offered and premiums charged, with a focus on differences between those offered in rural and urban areas.
Author(s): Abigail R. Barker, Timothy D. McBride, Leah M. Kemper, Keith Mueller
Date: 05/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Healthy Options: A Community-Based Program to Address Food Insecurity
Presents the results of a study to better understand the experience of food insecurity in rural Adams County, Pennsylvania and to examine the impact of a community-based program developed to increase access to and consumption of local, healthy foods.
Author(s): Amy B. Dailey, Audrey Hess, Camille Horton, et al.
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Adams County Local Foods Network, Gettysburg College, Center for Public Service Research
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Wisconsin Health Service Areas with County Overlay
A map of Wisconsin counties identifying healthcare service areas and healthcare hubs in neighboring states. Includes a map highlighting the rural and urban breakdown of Wisconsin health services areas.
Date: 04/2015
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Wisconsin Area Health Education Center System
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Characteristics of Joint Use Agreements in School Districts in the United States: Findings from the School Health Policies and Practices Study, 2012
Examines a sample of school districts in the U.S. to identify characteristics associated with having a formal joint use agreement for recreational facilities and how the agreement applies to different activities. Includes data for school districts with joint use agreements by percent of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, percent of White students, rural versus urban status, and number of students in the district.
Author(s): Sherry Everett Jones, Arthur M. Wendel
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 12
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
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Indoor Particulate Matter in Rural, Wood Stove Heated Homes
Examines 96 homes in rural Montana, Idaho, and Alaska using wood stoves as the primary source of heating to determine the mass of indoor particulate matter (PM) and particle number concentrations, quantify outdoor PM penetrating the indoor environment, and identify predictors of concentrations and infiltration of outdoor PM. Includes pre-intervention indoor air sampling data by demographic and home characteristics, wood stove and usage, activities in or near the home, and weather.
Author(s): Erin O. Semmens, Curtis W. Noonan, Ryan W. Allen, Emily C. Weiler, Tony J. Ward
Citation: Environmental Research, 138, 93-100
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
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Associations Between Neighborhood-Level Factors Related to a Healthful Lifestyle and Dietary Intake, Physical Activity, and Support for Obesity Prevention Polices among Rural Adults
Analyzes the cross-sectional associations between neighborhood- and individual-level factors related to a healthy lifestyle, diet, physical activity, and support for obesity prevention policies in rural eastern North Carolina adults.
Author(s): Stephanie B. Jilcott Pitts, Thomas C. Keyserling, Larry Johnston, et al.
Citation: Journal of Community Health, 40(2), 276-284
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
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Does Patient Rurality Predict Quality Colon Cancer Care? A Population Based Study
Study of 123,129 colon cancer patients listed on the California Cancer Registry from 1996-2008, 15% of whom lived in rural areas. Features demographic statistics with breakdowns by urban or rural residence.
Author(s): Christopher J. Chow, Waddah B. Al-Refaie, Anasooya Abraham, et al.
Citation: Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 58(4), 415-422
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
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Rural Populations and Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Services: Challenges and Opportunities for Local Public Health Departments
Results of a study using data from 1995 to 2010, examining geographic differences in screening, diagnosis, and treatment of South Carolina normal birth weight infant cohorts with continuous Medicaid coverage. Explores how the level of services changed as local health departments transitioned away from direct service provision to a population-based delivery service model. Includes statistics with breakdowns by urban or rural residence.
Author(s): Nathan L. Hale, Michael Smith, James Hardin, Amy Brock-Martin
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 105(Suppl 2), S330-S336
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
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Study of Barriers for Women Veterans to VA Health Care: Final Report
Examines the use, preference, and barriers faced by rural and urban women veterans in accessing Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare to better understand the challenges in receiving care. Informs Congress regarding the status of healthcare for women veterans.
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
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Assessing Shifts in Outpatient Visits to Physicians of Other Specialties in Rural Areas with Shortages of Cardiologists and Gastroenterologists: A Preliminary Analysis
Examines "service shifting" in rural communities, a practice by which local physicians in medical shortage areas may adapt their services to meet needs that would normally be addressed by non-primary care specialists. Includes statistics with breakdowns by level of availability of cardiologists and gastroenterologists, and number of outpatient visits, using Medicare data from 2011.
Author(s): Donald E. Pathman, G. Mark Holmes, Samuel Berchuck, James W. Terry, Jr.
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research
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