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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Comparisons of Weight Change, Eating Habits and Physical Activity Between Women in Northern Sweden and Rural New York State - Results from a Longitudinal Study
Reports on a study that compares women living in Northern Sweden and rural New York State on changes in weight over a 10 year period. Identifies and compares the eating habits, physical activities, and vulnerability to the negative effects of unhealthy behaviors for both female population groups.
Author(s): Kristina Lindvall, Paul Jenkins, Melissa Scribani, et al.
Citation: Nutrition Journal, 14, 88
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
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Active Transportation Surveillance - United States, 1999-2012
Reports on walking and biking as forms of transportation for commuting to work or for other purposes. Discusses active transportation as a means to get health-enhancing physical activity. Includes demographic information on those who walk and bike. See Tables 3 and 4 for information by level of urbanicity, with the category of "town and country" being the least urbanized.
Author(s): Geoffrey P. Whitfield, Prabasaj Paul, Arthur M. Wendel
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 64(SS07),1-17
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Competition Among Medicare's Private Health Plans: Does It Really Exist?
Measures rates of competition among private Medicare Advantage (MA) plans across the country and across rural/urban geographies.
Author(s): Brian Biles, Giselle Casillas, Stuart Guterman
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Commonwealth Fund
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Do Rural and Urban Women Experience Differing Rates of Maternal Rehospitalizations?
Compares rural and urban differences in maternal hospital readmission rates for women who delivered with minor assistance and for women who delivered by cesarean section, using data from the 2011 California Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project.
Author(s): Wei-Chen Lee, Charles Phillips, Robert Ohsfeldt
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 15(3), 3335
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
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The Intersection of Residence and Area Deprivation: The Case of Hospitalizations from Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions among Children
Analyzes the role of residence and community deprivation on potentially avoidable hospitalizations among children. Examines rates of potentially avoidable hospitalizations by rural/urban geography across 9 states and discusses policy and research implications of the findings. Part 2 of a 2-part series.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Nathan Hale, Janice C. Probst, Ashley Robertson
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Area Deprivation Is Higher among Rural Counties — but Not All Rural Counties Are Deprived
Examines the role of residence and community deprivation on potentially avoidable hospitalizations among children. Introduces the Area Deprivation Index, applies the index to counties across the United States, and analyzes rates of potentially avoidable hospitalizations by urban and rural locations across 9 states. (Part 1 of a 2-part series.)
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Nathan Hale, Janice C. Probst, Ashley Robertson
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Prostate Cancer Screening Among American Indians and Alaska Natives: The Health and Retirement Survey, 1996-2008
Examines self-reported screening rates among American Indian/Alaska Native men ages 50-75 at 5 points over a 12-year period, and compares these rates to those of African American men and White men in the same age group. Includes statistics with breakdowns by race/ethnicity and number of screenings during the duration of the study.
Author(s): R. Turner Goins, Marc B. Schure, Carolyn Noonan, Dedra Buchwald
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 12
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
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Prehospital Emergency Medical Services Personnel in Rural Areas: Results from a Survey in Nine States
Results of a 2008 Centers for Disease Control survey comparing patterns of supply and demand in rural and urban areas for prehospital emergency response personnel and examining involvement of medical directors and availability of medical consultation. Includes statistics on organizations, personnel, and types of medical emergencies, with breakdowns by four population density categories.
Author(s): Davis G. Patterson, Susan M. Skillman, Meredith A. Fordyce
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
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Comparison of Abuse Experiences of Rural and Urban African American Women During Perinatal Period
Compares the experiences of perinatal intimate partner violence (IPV) among African American women by rural and urban location to explain whether perinatal IPV differs between African American women who are living in rural and urban environments. Highlights the similarities as well as the differences with a focus on types of abuse, the location of IPV, and response to abuse.
Author(s): Shreya Bhandari, Linda F. C. Bullock, Jeanita W. Richardson, et al.
Citation: Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(12), 2087-2108
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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Impact of Coal Mining on Self-Rated Health among Appalachian Residents
Examines the impact of coal mining on self-reported health status of adults in the Appalachian region. Includes statistics on BMI, smoking status, income, educational attainment, coal-related employment, and number of coal facilities nearby.
Author(s): Shannon M. Woolley, Ada O. Youk, Todd M. Bear, et al.
Citation: Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2015, 501837
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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