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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Disability and Poverty Rates among Rural Veterans Have Increased from 2008 to 2014
Bar chart showing the rates of disability and poverty for rural veterans compared to rural non-veterans, highlighting changes from 2008 to 2014.
Date: 11/2015
Type: Chart/Graph
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Current Contraceptive Use and Variation by Selected Characteristics Among Women Aged 15-44: United States, 2011-2013
Describes patterns of contraceptive use among women of childbearing age who are currently using contraception, by social and demographic characteristics. Table 5 provides 2011-2013 and 2002 data by place of residence for metropolitan and non-metro areas.
Author(s): Kimberly Daniels, Jill Daugherty, Jo Jones, William Mosher
Date: 11/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Using Photovoice to Understand Barriers to and Facilitators of Cardiovascular Health Among African American Adults and Adolescents, North Carolina, 2011–2012
Reports on how African American adults and adolescents perceive cardiovascular health, and associated barriers and enablers through the use of a community-based participatory research method identified as photovoice to facilitate understanding. Photovoice engages communities by providing cameras for participants to help them demonstrate public health issues and interventions needing to be addressed. Six adults and nine adolescents from rural Lenoir County, North Carolina participated in eight 90-minute transcribed discussions on cardiovascular health.
Author(s): Sarah Kowitt, Briana Woods-Jaeger, Jesse Lomas, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 12
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
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Systematic Review of Palliative Care in the Rural Setting
Synthesizes the results of an extensive search of the medical literature focused on the developments in palliative care for patients living in rural areas in the U.S. and internationally to determine where gaps in the research may occur. Suggests promising approaches including telehealth, community-academic partnerships, and training for rural healthcare providers.
Author(s): Marie A. Bakitas, Ronit Elk, Meka Astin, et al.
Citation: Cancer Control, 22(4), 450-464
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
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Menominee Nation, WI: 2015 Culture of Health Prize Winner
Describes how members of the Menominee Nation of Wisconsin are using a trauma-informed care model that provides social and behavioral health services to address the root causes of the excessive high school dropout rate within their tribal community. By recognizing the two main causes, poverty and trauma, healthcare providers were able to adjust their approach to patient-centered care and offer same day appointments, providing the help when needed. Menominee Nation is a recipient of the 2015 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Culture of Health Prize.
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
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Primary Care Clinics and Accountable Care Organizations
Presents the findings of a survey sent to 257 Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) in 9 states asking clinical management about their participation in Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), and their willingness to join an ACO.
Author(s): Judith Ortiz, Chiung-Ya Tang, Yi-Ling Lin, Maysoun D. Masri
Citation: Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology, 2015 (2)
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
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Guideline Concordant Detection and Management of Depression among Alaska Native and American Indian People in Primary Care
Determines the proportion of Alaska Native/American Indians (AN/AIs) screening positive for depression that have been diagnosed or noted for the condition by their primary care provider. Evaluates whether provider management of depression is in accordance with the guidelines. Examines if depression management varied by patient and provider factors, such as gender, age, number of physical conditions, provider tenure, and more.
Author(s): Vanessa Y. Hiratsuka, Julia J. Smith, Sara M. Norman, Spero M. Manson, Denise A. Dillard
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 74(1)
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
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The Effect of Education Plus Access on Perceived Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in a Rural African American Community Intervention
Describes the mid-intervention results of the Men on the Move Growing Communities (MOTMGC) program that works to change the dietary behaviors among rural African Americans in Missouri by providing nutrition education and access to fruits and vegetables through community gardens. Includes data at baseline and mid-intervention by gender, age, income, education, and perceived income adequacy.
Author(s): E. K. Barnidge, E. A. Baker, M. Schootman, et al.
Citation: Health Education Research, 30(5), 773-785
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
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Secondary Overtriage in a Statewide Rural Trauma System
Analyzes secondary overtriage in West Virginia hospitals to determine the efficiency of a statewide rural trauma system. Table 1 details non-transfer and transfer patient characteristics and table 5 details factors linked with secondary overtriage.
Author(s): Jorge Con, Dustin Long, Emily Sasala, et al.
Citation: Journal of Surgical Research, 198(2), 462-467
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
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The Rural Obstetric Workforce in US Hospitals: Challenges and Opportunities
Details a study of the obstetric workforce and access to obstetric services in rural areas. Analyzes the results of a survey of 306 rural hospitals across the U.S. from November 2013 - March 2014. Discusses possible policy and training modifications for rural hospitals based on the study's conclusions.
Author(s): Katy B. Kozhimannil, Michelle M. Casey, Peiyin Hung, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 31(4), 365-372
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
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