Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Research methods and resources
A Discrete Choice Experiment with Health Professions Trainees to Improve the Urban-Rural Health Care Access Disparity in Appalachia: Study Protocol
A study protocol that examines strategies and policies for successful recruitment of healthcare professionals in rural Appalachia. Discusses utilization of the discrete choice experiment methodology (DCE) to analyze medical residents and fellows, physician assistant (PA) students, and nurse practitioner (NP) students and their location choice for employment.
Author(s): Chris Gillette, Jan Ostermann, Sarah Garvick, et al.
Citation: PLoS One, 20(1), e0316521
Date: 01/2025
Type: Document
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A study protocol that examines strategies and policies for successful recruitment of healthcare professionals in rural Appalachia. Discusses utilization of the discrete choice experiment methodology (DCE) to analyze medical residents and fellows, physician assistant (PA) students, and nurse practitioner (NP) students and their location choice for employment.
Author(s): Chris Gillette, Jan Ostermann, Sarah Garvick, et al.
Citation: PLoS One, 20(1), e0316521
Date: 01/2025
Type: Document
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Resources for Measuring Rurality in Research on Maternity Care
Explores how different measures of rurality influence research outcomes, with a focus on maternal health research. Describes multiple measures and definitions commonly employed to categorize rural populations. Discusses the implications of these definitions for research, public health interventions, and policy formulation.
Author(s): Katy B. Kozhimannil, Emily C. Sheffield, Mary-Jane Adole, et al.
Date: 01/2025
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Explores how different measures of rurality influence research outcomes, with a focus on maternal health research. Describes multiple measures and definitions commonly employed to categorize rural populations. Discusses the implications of these definitions for research, public health interventions, and policy formulation.
Author(s): Katy B. Kozhimannil, Emily C. Sheffield, Mary-Jane Adole, et al.
Date: 01/2025
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Assessing the Feasibility of Creating a National Behavioral Health Workforce Database
Results of a project to determine the feasibility of developing a database of behavioral health providers and practices that offers up-to-date information to support research, policymaking, and public access. Identifies key elements, including demographics, licensure, education, and practice details. Includes information on databases focused on rural health.
Author(s): Frances Jiménez, Nicole Gauthreaux, Courtney Segal, et al.
Date: 01/2025
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Results of a project to determine the feasibility of developing a database of behavioral health providers and practices that offers up-to-date information to support research, policymaking, and public access. Identifies key elements, including demographics, licensure, education, and practice details. Includes information on databases focused on rural health.
Author(s): Frances Jiménez, Nicole Gauthreaux, Courtney Segal, et al.
Date: 01/2025
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Partnering for Research at Your Center for Independent Living: Tips from Your Peers
Fact sheet offering nine helpful conditions for partnering for research at Centers for Independent Living (CILs) as identified by staff of rural CILs and State Independent Living Councils (SILCs). Describes how the guidance was developed and core Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) principles.
Author(s): Krys Standley, Hannah Pepprock, Rayna Sage
Date: 01/2025
Type: Document
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Fact sheet offering nine helpful conditions for partnering for research at Centers for Independent Living (CILs) as identified by staff of rural CILs and State Independent Living Councils (SILCs). Describes how the guidance was developed and core Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) principles.
Author(s): Krys Standley, Hannah Pepprock, Rayna Sage
Date: 01/2025
Type: Document
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Braiding Research Approaches to Understand Home Visiting in Indigenous Communities
Provides a scoping review, research questions, and feedback from practitioners regarding Indigenous home visiting programs and Indigenous methodologies in home visiting research. Includes suggestions for research methodologies that incorporate cultural awareness and relationships in Indigenous communities.
Author(s): Natalie Moyer, Chelsea Wesner, Michelle Sarche, et al.
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Administration for Children and Families, The Center for Indigenous Research Collaboration and Learning for Home Visiting
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Provides a scoping review, research questions, and feedback from practitioners regarding Indigenous home visiting programs and Indigenous methodologies in home visiting research. Includes suggestions for research methodologies that incorporate cultural awareness and relationships in Indigenous communities.
Author(s): Natalie Moyer, Chelsea Wesner, Michelle Sarche, et al.
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Administration for Children and Families, The Center for Indigenous Research Collaboration and Learning for Home Visiting
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The Impact of Internet Connectivity When Conducting a Virtual Clinical Trial with Participants Living in Rural Areas
Evaluates the effectiveness of virtual randomized clinical trials for research involving rural family caregivers. Analyzes notes across 1,003 visits with research participants in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin to identify internet reliability issues and impact on the research. Discusses internet access a social determinant of health.
Author(s): Diane E. Holland, Catherine E. Vanderboom, Jay Mandrekar, et al.
Citation: Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 42, 101366
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
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Evaluates the effectiveness of virtual randomized clinical trials for research involving rural family caregivers. Analyzes notes across 1,003 visits with research participants in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin to identify internet reliability issues and impact on the research. Discusses internet access a social determinant of health.
Author(s): Diane E. Holland, Catherine E. Vanderboom, Jay Mandrekar, et al.
Citation: Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 42, 101366
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
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Tribal Epidemiology Centers: Strengthening American Indian and Alaska Native Public Health through Data, Collaboration, and Innovation
Provides an overview of tribal epidemiology centers (TECs), focusing on their impact on the availability and quality of public health surveillance data for American Indians and Alaskan Natives. Discusses challenges with collecting data for this population and strategies TECs are using to address these issues. Offers examples of public health best practices from TECs related to cancer, behavioral health, substance use, infectious diseases, and more.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Tribal Epidemiology Centers
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Provides an overview of tribal epidemiology centers (TECs), focusing on their impact on the availability and quality of public health surveillance data for American Indians and Alaskan Natives. Discusses challenges with collecting data for this population and strategies TECs are using to address these issues. Offers examples of public health best practices from TECs related to cancer, behavioral health, substance use, infectious diseases, and more.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Tribal Epidemiology Centers
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Methods Report Describing 2016-2021 HCUP Data in the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (NHQDR)
Describes the preparation of Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) data for use in the 2024 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, which includes information on priority populations such as rural residents. Includes information on HCUP-based measures that include data by urban-rural location.
Author(s): R. Wang, S. Wang, X. Lin, et al.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Describes the preparation of Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) data for use in the 2024 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, which includes information on priority populations such as rural residents. Includes information on HCUP-based measures that include data by urban-rural location.
Author(s): R. Wang, S. Wang, X. Lin, et al.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Building a Rural Cancer Care Network: Federal Funding Supports Collaboration of Urban, Regional, and Local Organizations
Features a rural cancer care network in Georgia funded by a federal care coordination grant that brings together an urban nonprofit organization, a regional healthcare system with rural locations, and a local rural physician's office. Highlights the network's work related to patient navigation and clinical cancer trial enrollment.
Author(s): Kay Miller Temple
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Features a rural cancer care network in Georgia funded by a federal care coordination grant that brings together an urban nonprofit organization, a regional healthcare system with rural locations, and a local rural physician's office. Highlights the network's work related to patient navigation and clinical cancer trial enrollment.
Author(s): Kay Miller Temple
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Identifying and Removing Fraudulent Attempts to Enroll in a Human Health Improvement Intervention Trial in Rural Communities
Examines processes to identify fraudulent attempts to enroll in rural health improvement trials and provides recommendations for minimizing fraudulent attempts in online recruitment techniques. Analyzes 19,665 attempts to enroll in the Change Club (CC) study and presents data on identifiable fraud.
Author(s): Karla L. Hanson, Grace A. Marshall, Meredith L. Graham, et al.
Citation: Methods and Protocols, 7(6), 93
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
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Examines processes to identify fraudulent attempts to enroll in rural health improvement trials and provides recommendations for minimizing fraudulent attempts in online recruitment techniques. Analyzes 19,665 attempts to enroll in the Change Club (CC) study and presents data on identifiable fraud.
Author(s): Karla L. Hanson, Grace A. Marshall, Meredith L. Graham, et al.
Citation: Methods and Protocols, 7(6), 93
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
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