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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Public health

Creating a Public Health Community of Practice to Support American Indian and Alaska Native Communities in Addressing Chronic Disease
Describes use of the ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) model to support and evaluate program objectives of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) program.
Author(s): Shawna L. Williams, Alexis Kaigler, Amy Armistad, David K. Espey, Bruce B. Struminger
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 16
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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Obesity and Diabetes in the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska: From Community Engagement to Action, 2014-2019
Describes interventions implemented on the Winnebago Tribe reservation in rural Nebraska and Iowa, focusing on community-selected and culturally adapted policies, systems, and environmental improvements to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes. Strategies include infant and childhood obesity prevention education, promotion of healthy foods and beverages, and improvements to pedestrian safety and built environment.
Author(s): Larry Alonso, Lorelei Decora, Ursula Bauer
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 16
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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Investigating Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer Among Alaska Native People: Podcast with Drs. Sarah Nash and Diana Redwood
Podcast recording and transcript highlighting a study done on colorectal cancer rates among Alaska Native people. Outlines the structure of the study and discusses some of the challenges and findings of the study.
Author(s): Sheryl Monks
Date: 08/2019
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: JPHMP Direct
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Strengthening Linkages Between Public Health and Health Care in Nebraska
Reports the results of interviews and surveys with 19 local health department (LHD) directors in Nebraska to explore connections between LHDs and primary care clinics. Describes benefits from existing collaborations between LHDs and clinics in rural and urban areas such as screening services, worksite wellness programs, vaccinations, and other programs and activities. Covers barriers and opportunities to building linkages between LHDs and primary care clinics that include a rural perspective.
Author(s): Xiaoting Sun, David Palm, Brandon Grimm, Li-Wu Chen
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 16
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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A Guide for Rural Health Care Collaboration and Coordination
Describes how rural hospitals, community health centers, local public health departments, and other organizations can work together to identify health needs in their community and develop partnerships and strategies to help address these needs. Identifies areas of collaboration and coordination. Includes networking and collaboration case studies in rural Missouri and North Dakota. Provides a template and discussion questions for developing partnerships.
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Health Resources and Services Administration
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Arizona Opioid Action Plan Version 2.0, July 2019 - June 2021
Outlines the Arizona Department of Health Services' goals and recommendations for responding to the state's opioid-related public health emergency declaration. Intended to serve as an action plan and primary data source, containing information on opioid legislation, federal barriers, public education, youth prevention, medical education curriculum, and more. Includes rural-specific information and recommendations.
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
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Health Needs Assessment of Five Pennsylvania Plain Populations
Offers the results of a health needs assessment for 5 Anabaptist Pennsylvania Plain communities compared with the general state population. Discusses prevalence of genetic diseases and mental health conditions, screenings and vaccinations, and general health outcomes. Provides data on demographics, nutrition, environmental health, and health conditions taken from household surveys conducted in 2014 and 2015 which were designed to represent Plain community views of modern medicine.
Author(s): Kirk Miller, Berwood Yost, Christina Abbott, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(13), 2378
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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Providerā€Level Variation in Smoking Cessation Assistance Provided in the Cardiology Clinics: Insights from the NCDR PINNACLE Registry
Presents a study on the variation in smoking cessation assistance programs across the U.S. Highlights the prevalence of these programs in primary care settings and details the data by patient characteristics, census region, and urbanity.
Author(s): Mayank Sardana, Yuanyuan Tang, Jared W. Magnani, et al.
Citation: Journal of the American Heart Association, 8(13)
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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A Rising Tide: Increasing Rural Local Health Department Capacity to Address the Social Determinants of Health
Describes unique challenges faced by rural local health departments (LHDs), as well as assets such as community connectivity and trusted local institutions. Explores the ways in which partnerships, leadership, community engagement, data and evaluation, and community health improvement planning function as foundational elements in addressing social determinants of health in rural communities.
Author(s): Karla Feeser, Melissa Mayer, Ashley Edmiston
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Association of County and City Health Officials
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Local Health Department Approaches to Opioid Use Prevention and Response: An Environmental Scan
Summarizes the results of an environmental scan of 198 local health departments (LHDs) regarding their local opioid overdose prevention and response activities. Reports and compares statistics by governance and the size of the population the LHD serves. Discusses efforts and activities related to workforce, clinical and programmatic services, policy, communication, partnership, and data collection. Includes LHD stories from the field.
Author(s): Kamya Raja, Francis Higgins
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Association of County and City Health Officials
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